of EL PASO, TEXAS => Customized Devices Application Form (CDAF) All Customized Device (CD) Types Links by Topics 2025 Catalog now on 1G Flash Drive (only $39 (includes USA S/H)) Lone Star Consulting, Inc.: Click CDAF Link above for Our Address VOICE (9-5 MST, M-F): [1-915-474-0334] (Prefer Email) No Payment Clearance Period: U.S. Postal Money Order or Cash Payment Clearance Period: Any Other Valid M.O., Check or Trade |
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We are here to serve electronically Targeted
Individual (TI) victims to help save them from their perps. The perps hate
us for that! Just as TI perps are usually experts at harassing and persecuting
TIs, they use those same intentions against us. To discredit us, entrap
us, force us out of business, harass us, and get us into legal trouble.
Without us, perps can 'feast on your brains' with impunity. The perps have
their agents working social media, TI groups, complaint systems, etc. Do
NOT let perps scam you into not obtaining protective devices from us, thereby
leading you to their slaughter. Do NOT let perps trap you, set you up or
isolate you. Whatever insulting they say about you and us, the opposite
is true. If you have any questions or concerns relevant to us or anything
on our website, or are aware of suspicious activity against us, please email
us right away. We are custom device designers and makers for decades - with
many repeat Clients - all of our devices are unique and handmade to our
Clients' orders - so those who claim or imply that any (or all) of our devices
are this or that, they are lying - DO NOT FALL FOR PERP SCAMS!
REWARD - Please Tell Everyone
You Know About Us
Perps are Trying to Prevent TIs from Finding Us Online
We Can't Help TIs Stop Perp Attacks if TIs Don't Know We Are Here to Help
Tell Friends, Family, Social Media, Word-of-Mouth, Publications
We Will Pay You 5% Finder's Fee of TI's Paid-Up CD Project if TI is Referred
by You
(Only One Finder's Fee Will be Applied for Each TI Customized Devices (CD)
Project: Referral Must be Made on CDAF Form)
Mind Control
Info Relevant to EMF and Sound Attacks + Countermeasure Devices Links
Control Info on EMF Attacks + Countermeasure Devices Links
Mind Control
Info on Sound Attacks + Countermeasure Devices Links (This Webpage)
BUYING FROM US IS SIMPLE: (1) Select the Unique Customized Device(s) You Want on This or Any Other Page, (2) Click on the green CDAF Link above, (3) Print and Complete the CDAF Form (one CDAF for each Device), (4) Scan (do not photograph) your completed CDAF on a scanner. (4) Mail or Email as scanned-in JPG or GIF image Files to Us Your CDAF(s). We Respond to You Within 3 Days About Your Proposed CD Project.
(Sounds Version): See UUJ/IJ-Sound
for description of our UUJ/IJ-Sound, then BACK to here. New and unused successfully
completed and tested CD project - NOT a return, reject, repaired, refurbished
nor prior technology - just unclaimed by Client (failed to pay balance 3+ months
after completion). Much reduced price!
Buy TODAY - once this UUJ/IJ-Sound is sold, it is gone forever!
AVAILABLE TODAY: One Ultimo Ultrasonic Jammer / Infrasonic Jammer (Sound
Version). Only $1795 +S/H ($19 Continental USA, else, email us for S/H). We ship within 3 work days upon receipt of full payment (pay by $US Postal Money Order
or cash only) and your completed CDAF form (green link above, email or USPS
mail to us). No waiting 2-3 working weeks for us to do your UUJ/IJ-Sound. Specify any
customizations you want added to UUJ/IJ-Sound in your CDAF (additional cost
likely). Need something else? Check out our webpages, then specify in your CDAF
so we can consider making it for you.
For Sale! The
for description of our USFH, then BACK to here. New and unused successfully
completed and tested CD project - NOT a return, reject, repaired, refurbished
nor prior technology - just unclaimed by Client (failed to pay 3+ months after
completion). Much reduced price!
Buy TODAY - once this USFH is sold, it is gone forever!
AVAILABLE TODAY: One Ultimo Ultrasonic Jammer / Infrasonic Jammer (Sound
Version), Stereo Version. Only $1395 +S/H ($19 Continental USA, else, email
us for S/H). We ship within 3 work days upon receipt of full payment (pay by $US
Postal Money Order or cash only) and your completed CDAF form (green link above,
email or USPS mail to us). No waiting 2-3 working weeks for us to do your USFH. Specify
any customizations you want added to USFH in your CDAF (additional cost likely).
Need something else? Check out our webpages, then specify in your CDAF so we
can consider making it for you. NOTE: This is the Stereo Version which consists
of two Mono Versions, we can break up the pair and sell you one Mono Version
for only $895 (same S/H).
For Sale!
See SH for description of
our Shielded Helmet (SH) device-type, then BACK to here. New and unused successfully
completed and tested CD project - NOT a return, reject, repaired, refurbished
nor prior technology - just unclaimed by Client. Sizes we make: Small, Medium
and Large, almost always from motorcycle helmet with shielding extending to
the chin and neck areas. In this case, our Client contracted for her SH too
late, and the mind control attacks escalated so vile that she and her family
were forced to permanently flee the US to escape her perps to a country we could
not ship to, preventing us from shipping her completed SH.
Much reduced price! Buy TODAY - once this SH is sold, it is gone
AVAILABLE TODAY: One Shielded Helmet, Size Medium. Only $1195 +S/H ($75
Continental USA, else, email us for S/H). In addition, you save by not having
to buy and ship to us the basic helmet we shield. We ship within 3 work days
upon receipt of full payment (pay by $US Postal Money Order or cash only) and
your completed CDAF form (green link above, email or USPS mail to us). No waiting
2-3 work weeks for us to do your SH. Specify any customizations you want added
to SH in your CDAF (additional cost likely). Wrong size for you, or you need
something else? Check out our webpages, then specify in your CDAF so we can
consider making it for you (NOTE: Due to Covid-19, shipping chain chaos,
inflation/gouging, etc., availability of enough shielding materials for us to
make you a SH may not exist in enough quantity and/or be much higher priced).
For Sale!
See SC/H for description
of our Shielded Caps/Hats (SC/H) device-type, then BACK to here. New and unused
successfully completed and tested CD project - NOT a returns, reject, refurbished,
repaired nor prior technology - just unclaimed by Client. Sizes we make: Small,
Medium and Large; almost always baseball cap types with no size-adjust cutouts
in the back. Some have ear flaps, back flaps or large brims, which we usually
also fill with shielding materials. Much reduced
TODAY: One Caps/Hats, Size Medium. Only $695 +S/H ($75 Continental USA,
else, email us for S/H). In addition, you save by not having to buy and ship
to us the basic caps/hats we shield. We ship within 3 work days upon receipt
of full payment (pay by $US Postal Money Order or cash only) and your completed
CDAF form (green link above, email or USPS mail to us). No waiting 2-3 work
weeks for us to do your SH. Specify any customizations you want added to SH
in your CDAF (additional cost likely). Wrong size for you, or you need something
else? Check out our webpages, then specify in your CDAF so we can consider making
it for you (NOTE: Due to Covid-19, shipping chain chaos, inflation/gouging,
etc., availability of enough shielding materials for us to make you a SH may
not exist in enough quantity and/or be much higher priced).
When the Government and law enforcement fail or refuse to protect you or treat you like a crackpot - which almost always happens - YOU must protect yourself! We are here to help you protect yourself.
Introduction to this Page
Customized Devices Application Form (CDAF)
PERP EVALUATION SERVICES: We are not licensed investigators, so we cannot investigate any perp-related activities. However, we can compare YOUR perp experiences with the reported perp experiences from our many past Clients over decades (Note: We never reveal or infer Client identities). What we do is to compare info that we have about your perps (whether or not you suspect or know their identities) and their modus operandi with those of other suspected perps reported to or discovered by us; and if we find reasonable connections, report them to you. Just as there are serial killers, serial rapists and serial burglars, there are clearly also serial mind control and electronic attack perps and repeat offenders, many of whom develop rituals, habits and patterns. If we can link any of them to you, we will reveal to you in our confidential report who we think they are and what additional links we made, to help you fight or avoid these attacks. And in all such cases, we will also, if you wish (another FREE service), contact our other known Clients (those we still have contact info on) linked to your perps to contact you, if they wish to. And provide you whatever added clues we have that may help you narrow your perps down and develop stronger cases. Serial perps, some of whom we suspect are "guns for hire" (similar to professional hit men), may operate in the same area, use the same/similar type of devices, signals, attack scheduling, and/or have other behaviors. If you contract with us for any mind control or attack-related customized countermeasure (shielding or jamming) or transmitter detection/location device from us, we will provide you this invaluable service for FREE for all of our Good Clients, in which case, complete the last questions of our Customized Devices Application Form (CDAF). Should you want us to do this service for you without contracting with us for any of our devices, then you still need to complete and provide us the CDAF for this service (be sure to provide us your CDAF's last questions info), in which case our rough Estimated Cost (EC) is $295 (Note: If within 30 days of contracting us for this service, you then contract with us for any device of $200+ EC, we will subtract 25% from your device's EC (up to $295 max)). If you suspect more than 10 perps, then provide us your info on each of the top 10 only. If we need more info relevant to your CDAF last questions answers to help us to make better correlations to provide you and possibly other TIs better service, we will ask you to provide it.
REPORT: Are you a Targeted Individual
(TI) being attacked by perpetrators using mind control and electronic attack
devices? There are so many signals out there being absorbed by your brain and
body, while most are not malicious, how can you tell for sure which signals
are harmful or malicious to you? Due to popular demand, we are now offering
our MC&EAAR service. How this works is that you provide us your data points
on the signals you receive using either a detection device we provided you as
an earlier separate unique CD Project (see below for detailed
descriptions of our popular mind control and electronic attack detection device
types) or from your own signal detection equipment. We then objectively
analyze your data points, and provide you a written report on our analysis of
your data points. Your "data points" consists of the detected signal
details and the resulting manifestations which you believe were caused by the
detected signals. "Detected signal details" consists of the signal
frequency, signal strength or signal power (eg: LED bar readouts,
volts/meter, dbm, gauss), direction (if you used
a directional antenna) and duration, and the date and time of signal
detection. "Resulting manifestations" consists of the physical, electronic,
electrical and/or equipment manifestations you experienced shortly after or
during a signal exposure, the duration of the manifestations, and date and time
of manifestations. One "data point" consists of one line of detected
signal details for each detected signal followed by one line of your observed
resulting manifestations. Please also include the make and model of your detection
device, a sketch(es) of the layout of the place where you experience these signals
showing your equipment setup, and any other relevant information which you believe
would assist our mind control and electronic attack analysis for you.
Last made $995 [1-5 lb]
for up to 100 data points (if your data points exceed 100,
add $75 for each additional 10 data points) you need analyzed. (NOTE:
We provide a 10% discount for our MC&EAAR services if your detection device
is one which we provided you earlier as a separate CD Project (detailed descriptions
of our popular mind control and electronic attack detection device-types below);
the estimated costs by us is for the analysis and report only, it is not a retainer
of any kind and does not include any mind control or electronic attack expert
witness services or any other services (if you require additional services from
us, you must provide us a new CDAF form for each additional service for us to
consider), it does not include any hardware of any kind, and it does not include
any onsite visits (we do not personally meet with Clients) or travel by anyone;
our analysis is solely based on the information provided to us by the Client
with his/her CDAF and assumes that the Client's information is 100% accurate
and complete; Client assumes full responsibility for the accuracy and completeness
of all of his/her information; our analysis shall be objective, unbiased and
with an open mind even if it differs with the Clients own opinions or analysis;
we will not identify any alleged perpetrator(s) or their motives or intentions
as that is beyond the scope of our direct knowledge; and Client's costs are
totally non-refunable once we have completed our analysis).
Introduction to this Page
Customized Devices Application Form (CDAF)
The Ultimo Ultrasonic AI
Jammer with Sweep - Most Popular with AI-Fearful Clients!
The Ultra Audio Mike/Room Bug Jammer - with Sweep
The Ultimo Infrasonic, Audio
& Ultrasonic Jammer with Sweep-2 (Sounds) - Most Popular with All Other
The Ultimo Sound-Based
Pest Controller (Human & Animal)
Perp Evaluation Services
Mind Control & Electronic
Attack Analysis Report
The Ultimo EMF & Ultrasonic Head Shield
Protector (Shielded Helmet)
The Ultimo Mini Head Shield Cap
(Shielded Cap/Hat)
The Ultimo Shielded Face Mask
The Ultimo Sleep Head Shielded
The Ultimo Shielded Pet
The Ultimo Ultrasonic
Shielded Bag/Box
The Ultra Ultrasonic Mike
The Ultra Ultrasonic Jammer
The Ultra Infrasonic Jammer / ELF
The Programmable Ultrasonic/Audio/Infrasonic
Precision Frequency Generator
The Programmable Narrowband Frequency
The Ultimo Earmuffs Shield (Shielded
The Ultimo Solfeggio
The Ultimo 7 Chakras Harmonizer
The Ultimo Shielded Wrap (Protects
Against Implants and Remote Transmitters)
The Ultimo Full-Body Shielded
The Ultimo Infrasonic - Audio Converter
The Ultimo Ultrasonic - Audio Converter
The Ultimo Infrasonic
The Ultimo Ultrasonic
Transmitter Triangulator
The Ultimo Mechanical Ultrasonic
Transmitter Locator
The Ultra Ultrasonic Detector &
Amplifier (Ultrasonic Direction Finder)
The Ultimo Sound Modulator
with Brainwave Frequencies
The Ultra Ultrasonic Dual Whistles
The Ultra Ultrasonic Shrieker
The Ultra Ultrasonic Countermeasure
The Hypersensitive Sound Alarm
The Sound Snap Shot Device
The Dynamic Subliminal
The "Silent Sound"
Subliminal Mixer/Amp
The Ultra Ultrasonic Communicator
& Controller
The Ultimo Ear-to-Ground Listener
The Ultimo Binaural Beats Experimenter
The Super Sleuth Ultra-High
Gain Sound Amplifier & Detector
The "Taos Hum" Infrasonic
& Brainwave Detector & Amplifier
The Programmable Light &
Sound Detector
Mind Control Attacks, Electronic Attacks, Countermeasures Customized
Device Types
Mind Control (Mindcon, MC), Neurological Weapons, Subliminal Mind Control, Body Control (Bodycon), Behavior Modification, Brainwashing, Mind Reading (Mindread), Mind Probing, Remote Influencing, Voice-to-Skull Technology (V2K, V2S), ELF Attacks, Electronic Attacks, Electronic Harassment (EH), Directed Energy Weapons Systems, Brain State Control / Brain State Monitoring, Binaural Beats, Ultrasonic Attacks, Infrasonic Attacks, Brain Stimulations, Implanted Fake Memories, Implanted Thoughts, Manchurian Candidates, Electronic Gang Stalking, Manifestations, Electronic Countermeasures Products and Services. Unique, Original, Made-to-Order, Special Needs, Unusual, Strange, Weird Customized Device Types We Can Do For YOU! Backed by decades of Professional Design Experience! |
![]() ![]() ... and tell your friends! |
We believe that infrasonic and/or ultrasonic mind control devices are often
deployed in conjunction with EMF mind control devices to attack TIS. And
also deployed without EMF mind control devices. We have known this for decades.
The harmful efects of infrsounds are well-known - infrasounds
cause the vibrations of your organs, brain, eyes, bones, teeth and implanted
devices. As well as mechanical vibrations of objects, which can damage them
or cause them to move or fall without being touched. If severe enough, infrasounds
can cause serious and possible permanent damage. Infrasounds can also be
used to transmit control signals to electronic implants, EMF devices and
other devices used in mind control.
Ultrasounds are just about as bad as infrasounds for doing
mind control. Since ultrasonic frequencies are high, ultrasounds can be
used to transmit or receive data from implants, surveillance devices, tracing
and tracking devices and other devices, as well as control signals for EMF
devices. Recent medical research has produced shocking findings. One example:
The research by neuroscientist Dr. Ali Rezai, MD, University of West Virginia.
He states (CBS "60 Minutes", 1/14/24) that ultrasounds can cause
chemical and electrical activity in the brain. And that ultrasounds can
cause the temporary breakdown of the blood brain barrier, which then allows
for a flood of toxins, microbes, mind control drugs and other chemicals
in your blood stream to directly enter into and attack your brain cells,
possibly causing all kinds of temporary or permanent havoc, and setting
you up for brain entrainments.
ARE YOU A TARGETED INDIVIDUAL (TI)?: John Williams's (MSEE) and his people's extensive electronic weaponry, electronic harassment devices, and Radionics devices researches and many projects - including on-site investigations of cases - have resulted in high levels of understanding and insights into electronic mind control and harassment techniques, technologies and manifestations, and especially their countermeasures and transmitter location devices. The technologies for powerful and invisible electronic attacks are proven to exist and are widespread (Online search: "Havana Syndrome", etc.) - attacks aimed at seriously injuring, harassing, controlling, crippling, and "electronic poisoning" people. While you are under electronic attack, you may or may not be aware you are being attacked; however, you will likely experience these manifestations while being attacked or later. Attacks can be by sounds (ultrasonic, audio, and/or infrasonic) or by electromagnetic that may cause sound sensations (Microwave Auditory Effect - MAE).
Manifestations: Do You:
Many of these manifestations may also be caused
by non-electronic attack reasons (eg: medical, normal mechanical/electronic
problems, etc.), of which you should thoroughly check out (eg: thru your
trusted, licensed medical personnel) and rule out if possible. But even
if these other often non-electronic manifestations are occurring, electronic
attacks aggravate most of these manifestations, so curing a medical problem
caused/not caused by an electronic attack may provide only limited and/or
temporary relief if electronic attacks were and still are aggravating them.
No matter what is causing your medical problems, you need your trusted licensed
medical doctors to address them. If due to electronic attacks, come to us
to try to stop them from worsening or reoccurring. Many voice, sound and
visual phenomena may not be experienced by others near you, or told by them
as normal or different sounds and/or sights. Having medical or normal electronic
device problems are not mutually exclusive conditions to being electronically
attacked - all can occur at same time. Perp attacks may be varied or unvaried
in signal type/intensity/timing/direction, and may target the brain, body,
and/or electronic devices. Some TIs experience multiple attacks and attack
technologies at the same time. If you are not certain that these manifestations
are being caused or aggravated ONLY by a medical condition(s), by a normal
mechanical/electronic malfunction(s) (eg: from wear and tear), or by some
other non-electronic or sound reason, they may be caused by or aggravated
by harmful electromagnetic signals or sounds. Note that not all injurious
EMF signals and sounds are intended to be malicious; and people differ in
sensitivities to EMF signals and sounds.
You still may be in grave danger of electronics attack. Consider: (1) Electronic
attack signals are often not observeable by any of your senses (but can
be detected using specialized electronic devices of the types we make).
(2) Electronic attacks can cause serious damage over a short or long time,
and you may not experience anything until a certain threshhold of damages
occurs, then suddenly all comes crashing down. An analogy is cancer: You
can have a cancer growing inside of you for years and feel nothing bad,
but then one day you suddenly become sick, and are told you are Stage 3
or 4. (3) Even if you are not being currently attacked, if a perp(s) starts
attacking you, if you are unprepared, it may be weeks before you can mobilize
effective defenses, which then may be too late. An anology is you might
carry bear spray with you even though you have never been attacked and have
no belief you will be attacked; but once attacked you can quickly defend
yourself. Without the bear spray, you may be killed or injured. You keep
locks on your doors to end the risks of being murdered, raped or robbed.
Same with seatbelts. The way mind control attacks are clearly accelerating
today, most people will be attacked within a few years to come, and many
attacked multiple times.
In today's world, you must assume that your perp(s) has
personal files on you (a dossier), describing realtime in detail you, your
family members, friends, associates, locations, schedules, facial and gait
recognition, habits, vulnerabilities, medical problems, financial situations,
etc., and perps know exactly which buttons-to-push to maximize your injuries,
pain and suffering. Dossiers were notoriously associated with Nazis, East
German Stasi, and communists - today, there are several-to-many dossiers
on almost everyone, and some are sold on the dark web. Since 2001, based
on reports we get, mind control attacks have been and are skyrocketing.
You may be the victim of injurious electromagnetic, ultrasonic, audio, and/or
infrasonic signals and sounds, which come in almost countless variations.
No matter what attack devices are used, it is critical to block or jam their
signals reaching you and your devices. We here to try to help you with
our very effective countermeasures (shielding, jamming) to stop the bad
signals from damaging you, and transmitter locators. Please let us try to
help you.
AUDIO, ULTRASOUND AND INFRASOUND MIND CONTROL WEAPON SYSTEMS: Know that sound-caused mind control and electronic attacks can be made using audio, ultrasound or infrasound alone, or in any combination of them, or any of them combined with EMF attacks. Audio is by far the least favorable choice because it can be heard and thus will alert the TI as to what is going on. Also know that any lower frequency sound can be used to modulate a higher frequency carrier sound, using any of several types of modulation. Also know that perps often also deploy special techniques, such as heterodyned sounds, sound bursts, strobing sounds (may trigger epileptic attacks), narrow pulsed sounds, subliminal sounds, focused sounds (eg: LRAD), moving and/or multiple sound sources and/or various types of sound switching, sound frequency hoppers, binaural beats, sound reflections, random sounds, echoing sounds, attack sounds that emulate or mixed in with natural animal and human audio, and common equipment sounds, etc. Also know that sophisticated perps know exactly what sound combinations will entrain or injure your brain or body fastest. BUT ALSO KNOW THIS: No matter how complex a sound attack signal is or how sophisticated a sound device is, if you stop any one component of the sound, you either totally stop the sound or convert it into harmless sound. We have the devices which help you fight sonic weapons.
for both. Just because your ears cannot hear a sound too low or too high
in frequency does not mean that your brain and body cannot "hear"
and react to that sound:
MIND CONTROL & ELECTRONIC ATTACK: Because the infrasonic frequencies
are so small, infrasound can carry little data to directly do actual mind
control and electronic attack (eg: implanted thoughts, V2K, RNM). Where
infrasound works is for control signals - signals used to control other
signals and devices in some programmable fashion, and to switch between
other signals and devices. Infrasonic sound vibrations are also popularly
deployed by perps to injure and kill brain tissues and other biologic tissues
by causing them to rub together to generate damaging friction and internal
heat (neither of which can be felt), and to disrupt tissue connections in
the brain and nervous system (in the brain, this causes lost
memories, confusion, vertigo, paralysis and similar manifestations).
When neurons are broken or damaged thru any kind of mechanical injury, the
neurons almost always reconnect in haphazard and bizarre fashions, which
can result in insanity and mental retardation, or with scar tissue resulting
in permanent loss of communications and sometimes resulting in some paralysis
(eg: lobotomy, severed spine, etc.). Note that while infrasonic sounds per
se cannot directly cause implanted thoughts, V2K or RNM, although they are
in the same band as brainwave frequencies, microwave carriers and ultrasonic
carriers modulated with EMF infrasonic frequency (ie: brainwave frequency)
signals, can clearly cause implanted thoughts, V2K and RNM (see our Mindcontrol1.htm
webpage for details on countermeasures, locating devices relevant to
EMF attacks).
MIND CONTROL & ELECTRONIC ATTACK: We have known and published for
decades that ultrasounds, second to EMFs, are widely used for mind control
and and electronic attacks - when many scoffed at us - long before our discovery
became fashionable. You can easily verify this by searching Online. For
example, some excerpts from ScienceDaily (highly recommended), Nov. 2, 2008:
"In a twist
on nontraditional uses of ultrasound, neuroscientists have developed pulsed
ultrasound techniques that can remotely stimulate brain circuit activity.
The findings provide insights into how low-power ultrasound can be harnessed
for the noninvasive neurostimulation of brain circuits and offers the potential
for new treatments of brain disorders and disease." [As well as new
mind control and electronic attack technologies].
"'We were able
to unravel how ultrasound can stimulate the electrical activity of neurons
by optically monitoring the activity of neuronal circuits, while we simultaneously
propagated low-intensity, low-frequency ultrasound through brain tissues,'
says [William] Tyler, assistant professor of neurobiology and bioimaging
in the School of Life Sciences in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences."
[Note: Ultrasounds do not have to be intense to stimulate brain neurons;
stimulating brain neurons is tantamount to mind control].
"When asked
about the potential of using his groups' methods to remotely control brain
activity, Tyler says: 'One might be able to envision potential applications
ranging from medical interventions to use in video gaming or the creation
of artificial memories along the lines of Arnold Schwarzenegger's character
in 'Total Recall.' Imagine taking a vacation without actually going anywhere?'"
[Induced audio hallucinations, visual hallucinations and artificial memories
are forms of mind control].
we need to conduct further research and development, but one of the most
exhilarating prospects is that low intensity, low frequency ultrasound permit
deep-brain stimulation procedures without requiring exogenous proteins or
surgically implanted medical devices,' he adds." [Do you want somebody
to remotely deeply stimulate your brain? Electronic implants are clearly
sometimes used for ultrasonic mind control and electronic attacks, but are
not required, which means that ultrasonics can be used to remotely and secretly
do mind control and electronic attacks on you].
NOTE: Ultrasounds
can also permanently cause subtle brain damage, cognitive and learning difficulties,
visual/auditory/balance/sleep problems, and epilepsy. That is why if you
are under ultrasonic attack, the sooner you seriously deal with it, the
better. One example is the ongoing case of sound harassment in Cuba that
has resulted in, "hearing, cognitive, visual, balance, sleep and other
problems" (ABQ Journal, 10/13/17). Some of these victims and their
families claim permanent brain damage. Recording and playing back these
sounds or being exposed to them for very short periods of time are not known
to be harmful, because virtually all audio recording and playback devices
are limited to 15KHz - 22KHz upper frequency, so they do not record/playback
the silent and usually painless but highly damaging ultrasounds (usually
24Khz - 40KHz). Believed to be Russian technology. Cuba denies involvement.
We offer ultrasonic shielding device-types to protect you from ultrasonic
attacks (as well as microwave attacks).
MORE ON INFRASONIC ATTACKS: If you are being remotely electronically attacked by infrasounds, it is very unlikely to be raw infrasound, and everyone in the area would be at least aware of it. That is because raw infrasound is omnidirectional - cannot be focused into a beam. And raw infrasound would require a lot of electrical power and a huge sounder to generate. Your walls would be shaking and your glasses in your home would be rattling for that much intensity. Infrasound can be used to modulate an audio (which everyone would hear), but much more likely an ultrasonic (which cannot be consciously heard) sound carrier or a microwave carrier, which then can be used in beam form to target individuals. When such an ultrasonic sound beam hits its target, the infrasonic modulation decouples from the carrier and thus appears to be raw infrasound by the hit TI. The reason for this is that ultrasound attenuates in air at a very high rate while infrasound attenuates very little, so while the remaining ultrasonic which arrives to the target may be nil, the infrasound can still be strong. An analogy might be the heat shield that encases an incoming rocket burns away just as the rocket hits the target. The purpose of the heat shield is to get the rocket to the target. We believe that about 80% of all directed weapon electronic attacks is electromagnetic, which the brain may misinterpret as sound or mechanical vibration. And most of the rest is ultrasonic.
(eg: BRAINWAVE SIGNALS): Many TIs who contact
us about Mind Control and Electronic Attack falsely believe that Infrasonic
sounds cause mind control, because they read it Online from a scammer,
or an armchair pseudo scientist, or an uniformed or misled TI. The fact
is that while infrasonics can be used for some forms of electronic attack,
it cannot be used for mind control electronic attacks. The very low bandwidth
(BW) of infrasound means that it can carry very little mind control data
or even control signals. However, infrasound can cause physical forms
of electronic attack by causing micro-vibrations of internal organs and
tissues, thus disrupting or even damaging them, thus resulting in such
manifestations as general pain, nausea, vertigo, disorientation, dizziness,
fainting, blood pressure spikes, loss of sleep, and even death (Note:
We are not medical doctors). Nor can raw infrasonic sounds be pinpointed
to individual TIs in a crowd. That's because infrasonic sound is mostly
omnidirectional so infrasonic sounds cannot target individual TIs (Note:
This physical property also makes infrasound much more difficult to jam
and shield against), the converse being that the locations of infrasonic
transmitters cannot be pinpointed based on sound alone. However, the general
direction of infrasonic sound by using sound alone may be determined from
small variations in its intensity. Since ultrasonics are highly directional,
ultrasonics can be used to accurately target individual TIs in a crowd
as its energy can be focused into a tight beam at a TI's brain or body,
and conversely, ultrasonic transmitters can be pinpointed and jammed and
shielded against. The false Infrasound-Causes-Mind-Control tale results
because in mind control, infrasonic freqs (eg: brainwave
signals) and audio signals are often used to modulate ultrasonic
carrier signals. When these modulated ultrasonic signals enter into the
brain or body, the modulating audio and infrasound are decoupled from
its ultrasonic carrier to then do their dirty little V2K-type jobs on
you. But when such modulated ultrasonic signals come into contact with
and mix with ambient audio and infrasounds outside the body (eg:
environmental sounds such as voices, vehicles, animals, motors, construction)
or contact delayed versions of themselves due to reflections (from
nearby hard surfaces, sometimes resulting in tell-tale faint voices and
other sounds coming from hard surfaces), sum and difference frequencies
may result (as well as from the decoupling of some of the
modulating brainwave and audio sounds from the modulated ultrasonic signals
due to such things as obstacles, dust, snow, rain, foilage, clothes or
even distance). This process is very complex, little-understood,
highly varying, and very difficult to reproduce, but we run into it in
our experiments. The difference freqs and decoupled freqs can easily be
infrasonic and/or audio signals, thus misleading observers who poorly
understand mind control and electronic attack technologies to falsely
believe that infrasonics cause mind control. By pinpointing ultrasonic
transmitters and shielding and/or jamming out their ultrasonic carriers
- which we have excellent device types to do - you can also eliminate
their infrasound and audio sound modulating components, thereby stopping
mind control attacks. You might also consider our ULTIMO INFRASOUND DETECTOR.
One study has suggested that infrasound may cause feelings of awe or fear
in humans. It has also been suggested that since it is not consciously
perceived, it may make people feel vaguely that odd or supernatural events
are taking place. A scientist working at Sydney University's Auditory
Neuroscience Laboratory reports growing evidence that infrasound may affect
some people's nervous system by stimulating the vestibular system, and
this has shown in animal models an effect similar to sea sickness. In
research conducted in 2006 focusing on the impact of sound emissions from
wind turbines on the nearby population, perceived infrasound has been
associated to effects such as annoyance or fatigue, depending on its intensity,
with little evidence supporting physiological effects of infrasound below
the human perception threshold. Later studies have linked inaudible infrasound
to effects such as fullness, pressure or tinnitus, and acknowledged the
possibility that it could disturb sleep. Other studies have also suggested
associations between noise levels in turbines and self-reported sleep
disturbances in the nearby population, while adding that the contribution
of infrasound to this effect is still not fully understood. In a study
at Ibaraki University in Japan, researchers said EEG tests showed that
the infrasound produced by wind turbines was "considered to be an annoyance
to the technicians who work close to a modern large-scale wind turbine".
and ultrasound acoustic waves have been described in the literature to
result in audiovestibular symptomology following exposure. Technology
emitting infrasound such as wind turbines and rocket engines have produced
isolated reports of vestibular symptoms, including dizziness and nausea
and auditory complaints, such as tinnitus following exposure. Occupational
exposure to both low frequency and high frequency ultrasound has resulted
in reports of wide-ranging audiovestibular symptoms, with less robust
evidence of symptomology following modern-day exposure via new technology
such as remote controls, automated door openers, and wireless phone chargers.
Radiofrequency exposure has been linked to both auditory and vestibular
dysfunction in animal models, with additional historical evidence of human
audiovestibular disturbance following unquantifiable exposure. While several
theories, such as the cavitation theory, have been postulated as a cause
for symptomology, there is extremely limited knowledge of the pathophysiology
behind the adverse effects that particular exposure frequencies, intensities,
and durations have on animals and humans. This has created a knowledge
gap in which much of our understanding is derived from retrospective examination
of patients who develop symptoms after postulated exposures. Let us try
to help you.
one or a few speakers or sounders, like those from your audio system, spread
in all directions, both horizontally and vertically (omnidirectional), with
little directional differences in intensities, especially at lower frequencies.
However, an LRAD is an array of 10+ speakers or sounders formed in a matrix
to focus sound to concentrate almost all of its acoustic energy in tight directional
beams. Two purposes: (1) To individually target people, and (2) To efficiently
focus great acoustic energy intensities on the target to maximize damages
over much longer ranges. LRAD was originally developed for the U.S. military
and police as acoustic weapon systems to repel people (eg: attacking troops,
mobs or protesters). Outputs can be random sounds, or audio (voice, music,
etc.), or sounds modulating higher frequency sound carriers (eg: for commo,
electronic attacks).
There are now many variations of
LRAD devices; the differences between them are mostly output power, bandwidth,
effective range, purpose (some designed to repel animals and disrupt and destroy
equipment), and size (smallest size is about 4" square). Note that due
to speaker and sounder fringing effects, in addition to audio outputs, there
are usually smaller outputs of random ultrasounds; for powerful LRADs, these
ultrasound components can by themselves be substantial. Some LRADs are easily
hidden into other hardware; sound outputs easily penetrate fabrics and perforated
The early LRADs were usually 5.5
KM range, 1-5 KHz, 15-30 degree beam spread, 120-130 db max. output. These
types typically produce pain (120+ db), dizziness and nausea. The LRAD list
now includes ultrasonic LRADs (upto 100 KHz in air, 1.6 KM (one mile) range),
infrasonic LRADs (down to 1 Hz), super-powerful LRADs (190+db, 8.9 KM range)
(162+db causes death). Ultrasonic LRADs can have beam spreads of less than
5 degrees. Ultrasonic LRADs come single, or multiple (usually double mounted
nearly parallel to each other) for acoustic heterodyning to more highly directionally
carry powerful infrasonic and audio signals, which then "magically"
emerge where the beams come together.
Ultrasonic LRADs are so directional
that individual TIs - even their body parts - can be easily targeted while
people and animals near them are unaffected and unaware. Ultrasonic LRADs
are mostly used for commo, but likely used about as much for acoustic mind
control and electronic attacks. The outputs from ultrasonic LRADs and infrasonic
LRADs can be so intense as to cause all kinds of horrific manifestations (permanent
brain or body damage, dizziness, nausea, loss of balance, fear, anger, sorrow,
depression, anxiety, agitation, headache, fatigue, chest pressure, hallucinations),
including earthquake-like effects, static electrical shocks, and even death
- and yet never be detected by the TI without using special detection devices
(which we can provide). People react differently to different types of sounds.
For some, weird sounds are just annoying at most. For others, weird sounds
can be devastating - even if not malicious.
Infrasounds can resonate with body
organs, causing them to vibrate, producing thermal friction with adjacent
organs, and thus can cause longterm sicknesses, insanity and even death. Each
organ has several resonant frequencies, which depend upon the size, shape
and orientation of the organ. For example, eyeballs typically resonate 18-20
Hz, but large organs resonate at 1-4 Hz. Cells and tissues resonate in the
ultrasonic band. We believe that ultrasonic LRAD and infrasonic LRAD devices
are now being widely used by perps. IT IS CRITICAL THAT YOU PROTECT YOURSELF
FROM LRAD ATTACKS! We can help you protect yourself, especially by using our
shielding devices, so please ask us.
ultrasonic weapons, which are very effective for direct mind control and electronic
attacks per se, to also interfere with numerous audio devices near
you by pointing them also in the directions of those audio devices. Results
for the perps vary according to the ultrasonic weapon they use, the ultrasonic
frequency band it operates in, the modulations of their ultrasonic signals,
the types and sensitivities of audio devices in your vicinity, the audio shielding
of these audio devices and their mikes, the power of their ultrasonic weapon,
and the distances their ultrasonic weapon is from your audio devices. Anything
with an audio mike is likely vulnerable. Hearing aids are particularly vulnerable;
if your hearing aid squeals in your ear or shuts down, an ultrasonic attack
against you may be underway. Phones, radios, TVs, recorders and other audio
devices are also vulnerable. Even normal conversations can be sabotaged, resulting
in audio hallucinations (audio ghosting), temporary deafness, and the changing
of audio between a source (eg: person or device) and his/her/its listeners
so listeners hear sounds that the source did not make but appear to be coming
from the source, or not hear sounds that the source made, or the sound from
a source sounds like gibberish, garbled, incoherent or make no sense, or with
sound dropouts or unexpected volume changes. Do you use an audio control device
(eg: digital assistant / personal assistant), such as an Apple Siri, Amazon
Echo Alexa (Intelligent Personal Assistant), Google Now or other digital assistant?
Chinese researchers (eg: Zheijiang University) proved that modulated ultrasonic
signals can be transmitted to your Apple Siri, Amazon Echo Alexa, Google Now
or other digital assistant to ultrasonically control your digital assistant
in every way that your own voice controls it - even if your digital assistant
has been "trained" to accept only your voice. For example, if your
digital assistant can be used to control your safety or security, the perp
can defeat your safety/security devices (eg: unlock your doors, turn OFF your
cameras, etc.) without you even suspecting because you cannot hear their ultrasound
commands but your device hears them clearly and obeys them. We know exactly
how they do this, and can provide you special shielding countermeasures to
stop these kinds of ultrasonic attacks.
Perps can also use room and personal mikes to
secretly surveil and track you and your loved ones, and obtain insights into
how well their mind control and electronic attack weapons and tactics are
working against you, and your scheduling, personal, private and financial
info. We also provide ultrasonic mike jamming devices that you can wear (eg:
necklace, bracelet, belt, etc.), carry on or with you (eg: concealed in your
clothes, purse, book, valise, etc.), or place in your area to jam room mikes
so your conversations are private once again. We can help you: The
Ultra Ultrasonic Mike Jammer.
Our Mind Control and Electronic Attack Countermeasure Devices Now Come With Advanced Transient Suppression! Many people these days, especially Online, claim to sell mind control and electronic attack countermeasures and detection devices. Clearly none of whom can match the relevant highly-specialized knowledge, experience, equipment, parts, specialized materials, tools and facilities of Lone Star Consulting, Inc. to actually be able to help mind control and electronic attack victims, and most of whom are clearly outright frauds. Further, we are the only ones we know of who now provide Advanced Transient Suppression Technology (ATST) in our mind control and electronic attack countermeasure devices. All electronic devices can be damaged or destroyed by common high-voltage transients from lightning and defective high-voltage equipment and power lines, electrical arcs and coronas, inductive kicks from high-voltage power interruptions, and static electric discharges. Also, based on what we know, mind control and electronic attack predators are increasingly resorting to directional high-pulse burst transmitters (pulse-type directed energy transmitters), possibly even EMP, to wipeout costly countermeasure devices deployed by mind control and electronic attack victims to protect themselves. Our unique countermeasure devices now come with our ATST protection against up to 1,500 watts of burst energy attack power (at no extra cost) to foil even the most highly dedicated wipeout attack tactics, as well as to help protect you from common forms of high-voltage transients.
CRITICAL IMPORTANCE OF RESEARCH DONATIONS: Mind control and electronic attacks are the scourge of this century! An horrific scourge that very few in law enforcement will even consider addressing, forcing TIs to go on their own. However, we at Lone Star Consulting, Inc., constantly do research in mind control and electronic attack technologies - for decades now. Clearly, new attack methods are constantly being developed by the perps. Our sophisticated scientific research is very costly to do (try buying a new spectrum analyzer lately?), and is paid for by both Clients who purchase devices from us and those who are smart enough to know that our research findings can translate into detection and countermeasure devices which can be applied to their specific problems and the problems of so many other TIs like them. These donors help support our research with their generous donations. In short, both paid projects and donations are highly welcomed and needed. So please contract for a Customized Devices (CD) project with us. And please donate as much as you can and as soon as you can. For those who provide us substantial donations, we will often steer our research in directions that may specifically help them. Furthermore, if we can find a way to legally provide valued donors the devices of interest to them that we do not normally provide to the general public, even if it requires a special development on our part, we will do our reasonable best to accommodate their specific needs. How much we are able to bend over backwards for a donor depends on the type of research, the device types the donor is interested in, and the relative magnitude of his/her donations compared to other donors also seeking our help relevant to the same research. We very strongly appreciate our valuable supporters, so please donate.
We Are Becoming Super Busy
- Please Send Us Your CDAF Today!
Due to an apparent serious upsurge of mind control
and electronic attacks and more people learning about us, we are becoming loaded
up with new projects. Please do not delay with your project(s). Upon deciding
what you want us to do for you, please click on green CDAF link at top of page
and send us your CDAF(s). Note: Mostly due to ever-increasing parts costs and
decreasing availabilities, we expect to raise our prices on some of our device-types
in the coming weeks and months. Also, we may have to discontinue some device-types
- later availabilities not guaranteed. Please send us your CD Project CDAF (green
link at top of our webpages) today.
We Are Now on Social Media
- Please Join With Us!
joined FACEBOOK and LINKEDIN social media. To join us, you must first email
us directly to LONE STAR CONSULTING, INC., and explain to us why you want to
be social media-connected to us. NOTE: We never accept such requests when they
solely come through our social media sites - we regularly receive 100s of such
requests mostly from totally unknown people. We are very selective - your acceptance
is much increased if you are a prior or current Client, or a relevant serious
researcher, expert, scientist or engineer. We are constantly engaged in much
exciting work that we would like to share with our social media friends and
connections. Most of our discussions on Facebook and LinkedIn will relate to
mind control, electronic attack, radionics, physical survival and energy through
increasingly worsening times. One big benefit is that LONE STAR CONSULTING,
INC. will provide free information found nowhere else (eg: research results),
which may be very helpful to you. Another big benefit is that you will be able
to share your experiences and needs with others who may be or were in similar
situations (eg: you are experiencing certain types of mind control attacks,
which may also be afflicting others in your area). We do not accept just anyone
as our social media friend or connection - we seek a smaller but more focused
and intense group. Interested in us friending you? Then email us here, and in
your Subject Line, put: "Please Friend Me". In your email body, please
explain in 100-500 words the benefits to both of us in becoming social media
friends (Facebook) or social media connections (LinkedIn). Then tell your friends
and connections about us! NOTE: With few exceptions, we are not going to post
up our friends on Facebook and connections on LinkedIn until we have selected
at least 500 Facebook friends or LinkedIn connections. We are not yet on Twitter
or MySpace. - Thanks. John Williams, M.S.E.E.
Short of money? We do encourage
mutually-beneficial trades that can save YOU a lot of money (eg: electronic
parts & test equipment, computer & modern computers, etc.)
Hello! We support many technologies. For introduction into how to obtain hardware and our design philosophy, please click on our Home Page (includes hotlinks to all of our Device Types, listed by Topics and Titles): Home. Hotlinks by Topics and Titles also at: Site Map. When you are done, please use your Browser's Back Button to return here.
Recently, the Lone Star Consulting, Inc. organization has received frantic calls involving great fears and concerns about an apparent recent alarming, shocking and frightening upsurge in mind control (mindcon), body control (bodycon) and other electronic attack and electronic harassment incidents (often also referred to as "directed energy weapons attacks" or "psionic attacks"). Clearly, these forms of electronic harassment attacks greatly increased since 9/11, and especially recently due to political and economic chaos. With chaos, electronic attacks are more likely ignored by the authorities, and victims become more hassled with other issues and more cautious about spending money even to protect themselves. Clearly, some electronic attackers are now electronically attacking their victims with impunity - more open electronic harassment attacks, accelerated electronic attacks, and more severe electronic attacks than ever before! If you do not believe that mind control and electronic attack devices are real and effective weapons - research these topics Online. Even so, what you will find is just a small bit of what is actually being done in these frightening and devastating technologies - no longer science fiction, even some now beyond science fiction. Most of the R&D is being done on top secret bases (eg: black projects) by our Government, various other governments, corporations, universities, criminal and terrorist organizations and individuals for numerous reasons. Today, virtually anyone who is a competent electrical engineer or electronic technician can design and make at least a crude mind control electronic attack weapon. One of many examples: We know that there were widespread uses of mind control devices in close states on election day in 2016 near polling places mostly by foreign perpetrators, which clearly dictated the final election results. Are you such a TI victim? It is more important than ever before for YOU to address these issues NOW! Our Government will likely never admit to these technologies, nor recent advancements in them, so it will do little or nothing to help you. As a TI, you are on your own! We believe we can help you. Lone Star Consulting, Inc. provides as a public service by providing our mind control / electronic attack tutorial to our Good Clients (as well as many very exciting and unique related device types described below) for those interested in electronic mind control (including RFID), electronic attacks, direct energy attacks, electronic harassment, brainwashing, brain entrainment (eg: binaural beats), brain signatures, mind reading, voices in the head (eg: voice-to-skull or V2K/V2S technology (Frey Effect / Microwave Hearing Effect), and voice-of-God technology), Tempest brain monitoring, electronic body control, electronic implants and brain state control / brain state monitoring, Manchurian Candidates, and similar technologies and their countermeasures.
Microwaves, and ultrasonic sounds and infrasonic sounds require the specialized device-types we provide (described below) to detect and countermeasure them because they can't be sensed by normal human senses and their directions (many are highly directional), bandwidths and ON times must be first determined before they can be documented or countermeasured (note that infrasonic sounds appear to be omnidirectional, thus location-finding can be very difficult, and infrasounds are thus also very hard to countermeasure, especially if source is distant). You may need to prove the existence and specific timing and location of the mind control and electronic attacks (within the applicable statutes of limitation), and then correlate your manifestations with these attacks against you. Even then, to obtain substantial results you would have to show that you mitigated the mind control and electronic attacks to minimize your injuries, such as by jamming it (which requires specialized electronic attack and mind control countermeasures equipment of the types we also provide), and/or shielding against it. And if you do all of this yourself as soon as you can, you stand a much better chance of getting law enforcement to take a serious look at your case as well. In virtually all cases, YOU, AND YOU ALONE, must obtain justice in these types of cases (see our Mind Control webpage for specialized equipment). You might fairly ask, "How can I document mind control and electronic attacks using your specialized equipment?" Permanent directional-recording and time-stamped recording circuitry are very expensive because they add complications to any device made by anyone. However, there is a cheap, easy and very credible way to do this. Use a video camera and make a videotape or video disk of your experiences, which will document your equipment set-ups, and its responses. Most modern cellphones have videotaping capabilities. Leave a visible TV ON in the background and an accurate clock so that you can also time- and date-stamp your videos. And/or have a reliable and credible witness(es) with you.
related terms in all of our webpages include ALL medical fields, ALL dental
fields and ALL veterinarian fields (animals can also be injured by electronic
attacks). We recognize that once a buyer buys any device from a seller, the
seller has no control over what the buyer may actually use the device for nor
does the seller assume any liability to anyone for any use in any unsafe or
improper environment or way, misuse or abuse of the device. We recognize and
fully respect that people have the right to choose whatever form of medical
care they prefer; we are not licensed to practice medicine, and therefore we
cannot and do not provide any medical advice, medical device, medical opinion,
make medical claims, nor scientific claims, nor supernatural or paranormal claims,
nor tell you what the causes are for any medical-like manifestation. Nor anything
we may provide you is to be used for a medical prevention, diagnostic, treatment,
cure or medically-assistive reason; nor to in any manner stop, delay, speed
up, interfere with, change or replace any medical procedure or drug prescribed
for you by any trusted licensed medical person or other entity. All medically-related
statements which we may make are lay, anecdotal and personal opinion-type statements
only. If you are suffering from medical-type manifestations, we always recommend
that you first obtain a complete medical exam from trusted and licensed medical
professionals (at your end and your expense) to diagnose,
treat and possibly cure all medically-caused manifestations. ANY
NOTE-1: We cannot produce
any device which is intended or likely to be used as a weapon, to retaliate
against anyone, or which inflicts injury, pain or suffering to any person or
animal, or which causes any other kind of mind control- or electronic-induced
manifestations, or which is otherwise illegal, unethical or immoral. So please
do not contract us for any device to treat, cure, diagnose, prevent or assist
a medical condition, or to cause any kind of mind control or body control condition,
or is likely to harm any person, animal or property, or is likely to be illegal,
unethical or immoral. Do NOT use any device or statement we provide to stop,
delay, accelerate, substitute for, modify or change any medical advice or device
provided to you by a licensed, competent and trusted medical provider.
NOTE-2: A few of our
device-types come with an electrode(s) and/or induction coil(s) to be used on
or near the skin (all electrodes are surface electrodes - none are invasive).
Not even after decades and 100s of devices, no Client or our personnel (who
create, test and also use these devices) has ever reported or complained to
our knowledge about any harmful effects to them for any device we provided them,
so we consider all of our device-types to be safe. Just to be extra safe, if
you obtain a device type of ours which comes with an electrode(s) or induction
coil(s) used on or near the skin, please consult with your licensed, competent
and trusted medical provider (at your end and your expense)
to verify that such a device-type is not likely harmful to you for you to apply
on yourself, especially if you have heart rhythm problems or are connected to
or have implanted inside of you an electronic medical device (including,
but not limited to, pacemakers, diabetic controllers, and nerve stimulators),
or you are pregnant, or you have allergies, illnesses or injuries or any other
medical condition that might be adversely affected by electrodes, coils, EMFs
or ultrasonic signals. As with all types of electronic devices from us or anyone
else, do not place EMF coils directly onto the skull.
THE RIGHT DEVICE TYPE FOR YOU: If not a medical condition, your manifestations
may be caused by several different electronic attack / mind control scenarios.
You must analyze your situation, by asking yourself and answering these questions:
(1) When do these manifestations occur? (2) Where do they occur? (3) Do the
manifestations follow you all over? (4) Do they occur all together, or do you
get one or some sometimes and another or others other times? (5) Is there anything
you are doing which changes their intensity and/or frequency of occurrence either
up or down? (6) What is your body position when they occur? (7) What activities
are you engaged in at the time? (8) Do you have any idea where the offending
transmitter may be located and/or who operates it? (9) Who are with when they
occur? (10) When they occur, no matter where they occur, do you see any pattern
(eg: similar modus operandi, certain person or vehicle in the area, or certain
activity or situation that is almost alway present, a certain weather pattern,
or some other type of pattern)? (11) If you place a heavy wool blanket or sweater
over your head, do they still occur?* (12) If you place a large and deep steel
pot over your head, do they still occur? (13) Have you observed any unusual
or strange behavior by those suspected? (14) Is their behavior a predictor of
a current, past or an upcoming attack? (15) Is your behavior a predictor of
a current, past or an upcoming attack? (16) Is there anyone else around you
or in a similar situation who you know of also experiencing similar manifestations?
(17) Do other people, pets or other animals around you act differently just
before or while you are experiencing your manifestations? (18) Are you receiving
electrical shocks when you touch metal surfaces or run water? (19) What have
the police, FBI, FCC, your doctor, etc. tell you about your manifestations?
Please note that as policy we cannot recommend any device type as a device type
which will stop your manifestations - this decision is left totally up to you.
While we do guarantee that any device we provide you will electronically function
as specified, since we have no way of being able to ascertain your situation
ourselves, we cannot guarantee that the device will lessen or stop your manifestations.
*There is another simple way to test to see
if you are being attacked by ultrasounds or infrasounds: Today,
ultrasonic and infrasonic attacks are about as common as EMF electronic attacks
and are believed to occur combined with each other or with EMF attacks. And
clearly many people under electronic attack do not even know that their manifestations
are caused by electronic attacks. And many TIs who come to us for help know
or believe they are being attacked but don't know whether it is ultrasound,
infrasound or both and/or by EMF attacks in those same frequency bands. In
fact the test method below and the wool blanket method above should be periodically
done to find out exactly why you may be having manifestations - especially manifestations
with no known medical cause; and these methods should help you buy countermeasure
devices from us that you need and not to buy devices that don't address the
actual attacks you may be getting.
For ultrasounds and infrasounds,
hard walls act as vibrating sound boards and can be used to detect sounds you
cannot hear. The hard indoor walls which are at least your height, and when
you are completely still you can hear no sounds and feel no vibrations. There
must be an object (eg: shelf, rack, etc.) solidly attached to the wall for best
results. You fill a glass with water and set it on the attached object. You
then step away and be very quiet; make sure all vibration makers (eg: fans,
TVs, etc.) are off. Look at the water. Is it rippling (if you are feeling manifestations
but there is little or no rippling, then you may be attacked by EMFs only)?
If so, how intensely (ripple intensity indicates sound intensity)? If so, are
the ripples fine (indicates ultrasonics), or choppy or wave-like (indicates
infrasonic)? The wall amplifies the vibrations it is being subjected to, which
vibrations are transmitted to the water causing rippling. Audio sounds can also
cause similar ripples (but they are usually heard). So can nearby traffic, trains,
street work, industrial activities, construction activities, airports and airplanes,
mining/drilling activities (especially if they are injection wells), earthquakes,
ocean waves, and even people walking or chatting. Now, move the glass to a similarly
attached object to a second wall of the same type and roughly the same dimensions
that is perpendicular to the wall you just tested. Then answer the same questions
as above. If the rippling is now of a different type, that indicates a second
attack from a different direction. If there is much less or no rippling, then
the vibrations are coming perpendicular to the first wall. If the rippling is
the same type and about the same intensity, the vibrations are coming from about
45 degrees to both walls. If the rippling is mostly the same type but significantly
more or less on one wall than the other, then the direction of the vibration
is more perpendicular to the direction of the wall with the most intense ripples.
Most perp attacks, whether
using sounds or EMFs, come from a mostly horizontal direction to the TI. Doing
these tests on a horizontal surface (eg: a bare table top) won't give you significant
ripples from an horizontal transmitter as those produced by a hard wall, but
should much better indicate sounds transmitted from above or below because the
table top acts as the sounding board. If you use an horizontal surface, make
sure that the surface's wood or metal feet rests directly on solid floor. If
the wall or table is outside, the wind (no matter how light) will cause rippling.
And keep in mind that sound and EMF signals reflect well off of hard surfaces,
so to determine transmitter direction, you must consider nearby reflecting surfaces.
This method is also a powerful
tool to prove to others that you are indeed being attacked. If the sounds are
not audio (ie: infrasonic or ultrasonic), provide us a CDAF for a device which
will down-convert ultrasonic signals or up-convert infrasonic signals of the
attacking frequency to the audio band where the signal or noise level and fluctuations
thereof can then be easily video recorded in your home or workplace, along with
recording the ripples in the water the sounds or noises are causing. You make
this recording with a credible witness who will produce an affidavit. If the
intensity of the sounds correspond to the intensity of the ripples, then it
is reasonable to believe that the sounds caused the ripples. You then send copies
of it to authorities, your attorney, the newsmedia, etc. You then should be
in a stronger position to take whatever actions you need to stop the attack
and compensate you for attacks against you.
There is a simple way to test for infrasounds (infrasonic sounds cannot be
heard, and seldom can be felt):
(1) Fill about half-way up a transparent
glass pitcher of clear water.
(2) Set the pitcher on a sturdy
table. Pitcher does not have to be perfectly level.
(3) Make sure the room is quiet,
and no other ambient noises (eg: no vehicles, trains, planes, mining, pets,
thunder, winds, etc.). Everyone steps away from the table and stands perfectly
(4) If the top of the water is rippling,
you are being exposed to infrasonic sound vibrations. The greater the water
ripples, the greater the infrasonic intensity. Note-1: Ultrasounds and audio
(except for bass audio) have no or only minor effects on the water's rippling;
ambient noises can cause a lot of ripples. Note-2: This is also a great way
to monitor for earthquakes. Note-3: Since infrasonic sounds are omnidirectional,
you won't likely be able to locate the infrasound transmitter. Note-4: This
is a very sensitive test, so small ripples usually don't mean anything.
Can't spare the bucks to pay for your order? Want some of the items listed above but have some of your own that you would like to use as trade? Don't fret - you can still get what you want for little or no out-of-pocket-$ if you have an item(s) of trade we are interested in! If you don't want to trade, we may consider buying what you offer. Either way, let us know. Most of the specific items we are interested in are described on (email us first as there are some differences): www.consumertronics.net/items4trade.htm (Consumertronics Publisher of High-Tech Survival and Security Books, Manuals and Software, and Consultants).
The magnetometers. The maintenance. The medical. The meditation. The merchandise. The mind-body. The modify. The modification. The modifications. The neurophone. The neurophones. The neurophonic. The offers. The pemf. The phenomena. The phenomenon. The phobias. The pitch. The plans. The presence. The privacy. The products. The professional. The program. The prototyping. The psychokineses. The psychokinetic. The psionics. The radionics. The repair. The repairs. The reports. The reporting. The RFID. The robotic. The robots. The schematics. The security. The Sedona. The services. The shrieker. The specialized. The stimulations. The stimulators. The spying. The surveillance. The survival. The technical. The telepathic. The telepathy. The tens. The testing. The therapy. The theremin. The transponders. The troubleshoot. The troubleshooting. The tutorials. The UFOs. The ultrasonics. The ultrasounds. The ultraviolet. The unexplained. The updated. The upgraded. The uv. The zappers.
A: The "abducted by aliens." The "abducted by ETs." The "abducted by space aliens." The "abducted by UFOs." The "advanced brainwaves." The "advanced brainwave control techniques." The "advanced brainwave signature." The "advanced electronic attack techniques." The "advanced mind control techniques." The "alien artifacts." The "alien busters." The "alien capabilities." The "alien contacts." The "alien countermeasures." The "alien defenses." The "alien detection." The "alien detectors." The "alien detecting." The "alien electronic attacks." The "alien encounters." The "alien mind control powers." The "alien mysteries." The "alien phenomena." The "alien phenomenon." The "alien sightings." The "alien spies." The "alien transponders." The "alien weapons research." The "alien weapons systems research." The "alien weapons technologies." The "alpha brain waves." The "alpha brain wave control." The "alpha brainwaves." The "alpha brainwave control." The "alpha brainwave monitoring." The "alpha brainwave signals." The "alpha frequencies." The "alpha waves." The "altered states." The "analog circuits." The "animal attacks." The "animal behavior modification." The "animal control." The "animal mind control attacks." The "animal obedience training." The "animal subliminal mind control attacks." The "animal training."
The "artificial intelligence computers." The "artificial intelligence devices." The "artificial intelligence electronic attacks." The "artificial intelligence methods." The "artificial intelligence methods."The "artificial intelligence mind control attacks." The "artificial intelligence techniques." The "artificial intelligence technologies." The "artificial intelligence weapons." The "astral projections." The "attack signals." The "auditory cortex." The "auditory hallucinations caused by electronic attacks." The "auditory hallucinations caused by mind control attacks." The "aura detecting." The "aura detectors." The "aura phenomenon." The "automatic learning."
The "avoid electronic attacks." The "avoid electronic brain entrainment." The "avoid electronic entrainment." The "avoid electronic harassment." The "avoid directed energy weapons." The "avoid electronic mind control attacks." The "avoid electronic spying." The "avoid electronic subliminal mind control attacks." The "avoid electronic surveillance." The "avoid electronic torture." The "avoid mind control attacks." The "avoid pyschological control." The "avoid psychological entrainment." The "avoid subliminal mind control attacks." The "avoid ultrasonic attacks." The "avoid ultrasonic entrainment." The "avoid ultrasonic harassment." The "avoid ultrasonic mind control attacks." The "avoid ultrasonic spying." The "avoid ultrasonic subliminal mind control attacks." The "avoid ultrasonic surveillance." The "avoid ultrasonic torture." The "awesome circuit designs." The "awesome circuits." The "awesome devices." The "awesome electronic devices." The "awesome electronic gadgets." The "awesome electronics." The "awesome equipment." The "awesome gadgets." The "awesome hardware." The "awesome products." The "awesome projects." The "awesome science projects." The "awesome special projects."
B: The "BCI." The "beam death rays." The "beam torture weapons research." The "beam weapons systems research." The "beam weapons technologies." The "behavior control devices." The "behavior control technologies." The "behavior manipulation weapons systems research." The "behavior weapons systems research." The "behavioral control." The "behavioral modification." The "behavioral modifications countermeasures." The "behavioral programming." The "behavioral weapons systems research." The "beta brain waves." The "beta brain wave control." The "beta brainwaves." The "beta brainwave control." The "beta frequencies." The "beta waves." The "binaural beats." The "binaural beats technology." The "binaural sound behavioral modification." The "binaural sound brainwave entrainment." The "binaural countermeasure." The "binaural devices." The "binaural sound devices." The "binaural brain entrainment." The "binaural behavior modification." The "binaural equipment." The "binaural hardware." The "binaural audio." The "binaural sound design." The "binaural sound recording." The "binaural recording." The "binaural sounds." The "binaural mind control." The "binaural electronic attack." The "binaural sound research." The "binaural technology." The "binaural sound technology." The "binaural weapons systems research." The "binaural weapons." The "biocontrol devices." The "biocontrol experimentation." The "bioelectric signals." The "bioelectromagnetic signals." The "biofeedback devices." The "biofeedback experimentation."
The "body controls." The "body control conspiracies." The "body control countermeasure services." The "body control countermeasures." The "body control customized devices." The "body control detectors." The "body control devices." The "body control electrodes." The "body control electronic attacks." The "body control electronics." The "body control experiments." The "body control methods." The "body control protection." The "body control satellites." The "body control shielding." The "body control slaves." The "body control stories." The "body control tactics." The "body control techniques." The "body control technology." The "body control technologies." The "body control consultants." The "body control consulting services." The "body control customized device services." The "body control customized devices." The "body control development services." The "body control designs." The "body control design services." The "body control devices." The "body control equipment." The "body control electronics." The "body control frequencies." The "body control hardware." The "body control countermeasure invention services." The "body control invention laboratory services." The "body control invention prototyping services." The "body control invention services." The "body control inventions." The "body control inventors." The "body control jamming issues." The "body control medical causations." The "body control medical manifestations." The "body control methods." The "body control products." The "body control prototype services." The "body control prototypes." The "body control prototyping services." The "body control R&D services." The "body control research, design and development services." The "body control research laboratories." The "body control research services." The "body control researchers." The "body control secrets." The "body control services." The "body control special projects services." The "body control shielding issues." The "body control special services." The "body control systems." The "body control tactics." The "body control techniques." The "body control testers." The "body control testing laboratories." The "body control testing services." The "body control troubleshooters." The "body control troubleshooting services." The "body control victims." The "body control weapons systems research." The "body/mind connection."
The "brain abnormalities caused by electronic attacks." The "brain abnormalities caused by mind control attacks." The "brain blasters." The "brain blaster technology." The "brain burn weapons systems research." The "brain burn weapons." The "brain circuits." The "brain control technologies." The "brain electrical circuits." The "brain entrainments." The "brain entrainment conspiracies." The "brain entrainment countermeasures." The "brain entrainment experiments." The "brain entrainment mind control attacks." The "brain entrainment processes." The "brain entrainment programming." The "brain entrainment secrets." The "brain entrainment systems." The "brain entrainment technologies." The "brain entrainment weapons."The "brain inhibition experiments." The "brain inhibition techniques." The "brain inhibition technologies." The "brain inhibition technology." The "brain inhibitions." The "brain inhibitors." The "brain link." The "brain manipulation weapons systems." The "brain mapping." The "brain monitoring." The "brain network disorder." The "brain network dysfunction." The "brain scanners." The "brain scanning technology." The "brain signature scanning technology." The "brain state attacks." The "brain state control." The "brain state controllers." The "brain state electronic attacks." The "brain state entrainment." The "brain state methods." The "brain state mind control attacks." The "brain state monitoring." The "brain state programmers." The "brain state programming." The "brain state surveillance." The "brain state techniques." The "brain state technology." The "brain state weapons systems research." The "brain states." The "brain stimulation conspiracies." The "brain stimulation experiments." The "brain stimulation mind control attacks." The "brain stimulation processes." The "brain stimulation programming." The "brain stimulation secrets." The "brain stimulation systems." The "brain stimulation technologies." The "brain stimulation weapons." The "brain stimulations." The "brain stimulators." The "brain-to-computer interfaces (BCI)." The "brain trauma." The "brain wave signatures." The "brain wave signature detection technology." The "brain's circuits." The "brain's electrical circuits."
The "brainwave bandwidth." The "brainwave emotional clusters." The "brainwave entrainment conspiracies." The "brainwave entrainments." The "brainwave entrainment experiments." The "brainwave entrainment mind control attacks." The "brainwave entrainment processes." The "brainwave entrainment programming." The "brainwave entrainment secrets." The "brainwave entrainment systems." The "brainwave entrainment technologies." The "brainwave entrainment weapons." The "brainwave frequencies." The "brainwave signatures." The "brainwave signature detection technology." The "brainwashing countermeasures." The "brainwashing devices." The "brainwashing electronics." The "brainwashing experiments." The "brainwashing methods." The "brainwashing secrets." The "brainwashing systems." The "brainwashing technology." The "brainwashing torture." The "brainwashing weapons." The "brainwave analysis techniques." The "brainwave control." The "brainwave controlling." The "brainwave entrainment." The "brainwave modulation." The "brainwave monitoring." The "brainwave scanning." The "brainwave signature analysis." The "brainwave signature scanning." The "brainwave signatures." The "brain wave scanning." The "brain wave signature scanning." The "brain wave signatures." The "broadband ultrasonic mikes." The "broadband ultrasonic speakers." The "broadband ultrasonic transducers." The "burn weapons systems research." The "burn weapons technology."
C: The "carrier current attacks." The "carrier current countermeasures." The "carrier currents." The "carrier current mind control attacks." The "carrier current transmitters." The "carrier current receivers." The "cellphone electronic attacks." The "cellphone mind control attacks." The "cellphone subliminal mind control attacks." The "cellular phone electronic attacks." The "cellular phone mind control attacks." The "cellular phone subliminal mind control attacks." The "cell phone electronic attacks." The "cell phone mind control attacks." The "cell phone subliminal mind control attacks." The "chronic pain syndrome." The "circuit customizing." The "circuit designs." The "circuit designing." The "circuit integration." The "circuit inventions." The "circuit inventing." The "circuit modifying." The "circuit modifications." The "circuit prototyping." The "circuit repairs." The "circuit repairing." The "circuit testing." The "circuit troubleshooting." The "circuit upgrades." The "circuit upgrading." The "circular polarized light attacks." The "Cointelpro operations." The "collateral damage from brainwashing experiments." The "collateral damage from electronic attack experiments." The "collateral damage from mind control experiments."
The "commercial satellite control of mind control devices." The "commercial satellite control signals." The "commercial satellite electronic attacks." The "commercial satellite mind control attacks." The "commercial satellite mind control systems." The "commercial satellite signals." The "commercial satellite spies." The "commercial satellite spying systems." The "commercial satellite subliminal mind control attacks." The "commercial satellite surveillance systems." The "commercial satellite tracking systems."
The "communicating telepathically." The "complex waveforms." The "constellation of manifestations." The "constellations of symptoms." The "constellation of manifestations." The "constellations of symptoms." The "cordless phone electronic attacks." The "cordless phone mind control attacks." The "cordless phone subliminal mind control attacks." The "control of the mind." The "control minds." The "controlled offensive behavior." The "cool circuit designs." The "cool circuits." The "cool devices." The "cool electronic devices." The "cool electronic gadgets." The "cool electronics." The "cool equipment." The "cool gadgets." The "cool hardware." The "cool products." The "cool projects." The "cool science projects." The "cool special projects." The "countermeasures against behavioral modification attacks." The "countermeasures against brain entrainment attacks." The "countermeasures against brainwashing attacks." The "countermeasures against body control attacks." The "countermeasures against directed energy weapons attacks." The "countermeasures against electronic attacks." The "countermeasures against electronic gang stalking attacks." The "countermeasures against electronic harassment." The "countermeasures against mind control attacks." The "countermeasures against mind reading attacks." The "countermeasures against subliminal mind control attacks." The "countermeasures technology." The "counter measures technology." The "CPL mind control attacks." The "creative dreaming - creative genius." The "creative genius creative dreaming."
Customized: The "custom-made circuits." The "custom-made consulting." The "custom-made designs." The "custom-made devices." The "custom-made equipment." The "custom-made hardware." The "custom-made inventions." The "custom-made merchandise." The "custom-made modifications." The "custom-made offers." The "custom-made products." The "custom-made product offers." The "custom-made repairs." The "custom-made services." The "custom-made solutions." The "custom-made upgrades." The "custom make circuits." The "custom make consulting." The "custom make designs." The "custom make devices." The "custom make equipment." The "custom make hardware." The "custom make inventions." The "custom make merchandise." The "custom make modifications." The "custom make offers." The "custom make products." The "custom make product offers." The "custom make repairs." The "custom make services." The "custom make solutions." The "custom make upgrades."
The "custom makes of circuits." The "custom makes of consulting." The "custom makes of designs." The "custom makes of devices." The "custom makes of equipment." The "custom makes of hardware." The "custom makes of inventions." The "custom makes of modifications." The "custom makes of merchandise." The "custom makes of offers." The "custom makes of products." The "custom makes of product offers." The "custom makes of repairs." The "custom makes of services." The "custom makes of solutions." The "custom makes of upgrades." The "customize circuits." The "customize consulting." The "customize designs." The "customize devices." The "customize equipment." The "customize hardware." The "customize inventions." The "customize merchandise." The "customize modifications."The "customize offers." The "customize products." The "customize product offers." The "customize repairs." The "customize services." The "customize solutions." The "customize upgrades."
The "customized circuits." The "customized consulting." The "customized designs." The "customized devices." The "customized equipment." The "customized hardware." The "customized inventions." The "customized merchandise." The "customized modifications."The "customized offers." The "customized products." The "customized product offers." The "customized repairs." The "customized services." The "customized solutions." The "customized upgrades." The "customizing circuits." The "customizing designs." The "customizing devices." The "customizing equipment." The "customizing hardware." The "customizing inventions." The "customizing merchandise." The "customizing offers." The "customizing modifications." The "customizing products." The "customizing product offers." The "customizing repairs." The "customizing services." The "customizing solutions." The "customizing upgrades."
D: The "DARPA programs." The "death ray beams." The "death rays." The "Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) programs." The "defense against aliens." The "defense against ghosts." The "defense against unknown entities." The "defense against unknown presences." The "delta brain waves." The "delta brain wave control." The "delta brainwaves." The "delta brainwave control." The "delta brainwave monitoring." The "delta brainwave signals." The "delta frequencies." The "delta waves." The "demodulate brainwaves." The "demodulated brainwaves." The "demodulation of brainwaves." The "demodulate ultrasound." The "demodulate modulated brainwaves." The "demodulated modulated brainwaves." The "demon governments." The "demons controlling your mind." The "demons inside your head." The "designing circuits." The "designing devices." The "designing equipment." The "designing hardware." The "designing products." The "designing services."
The "detect aliens." The "detect brain entrainment attacks." The "detect brainwashing attacks." The "detect electronic attacks." The "detect electronic brain entrainment attacks." The "detect electronic entrainment attacks." The "detect electronic harassment." The "detect electronic mind control attacks." The "detect electronic spying." The "detect electronic subliminal mind control attacks." The "detect electronic surveillance." The "detect electronic torture." The "detect ghosts." The "detect infrasonic attacks." The "detect lightning conditions." The "detect mind control attacks." The "detect pain field generator attacks." The "detect subliminal mind control attacks." The "detect ultrasonic attacks." The "detect ultrasonic entrainment attacks." The "detect ultrasonic harassment." The "detect ultrasonic mind control attacks." The "detect ultrasonic spying." The "detect ultrasonic subliminal mind control attacks." The "detect ultrasonic surveillance." The "detect ultrasonic torture." The "detect unknown entities." The "detect unknown presences."
The "device customizing." The "device designs." The "device designing." The "device inventions." The "device integration." The "device inventing." The "device modifying." The "device modifications." The "device prototyping." The "device repairs." The "device repairing." The "device testing." The "device troubleshooting." The "device upgrades ." The "device upgrading." The "digital circuits." The "direct energy weapons research, design and development." The "direct energy weapons technologies."
The "directed energy attack devices." The "directed energy attacks." The "directed energy behavioral modification techniques." The "directed energy body control techniques." The "directed energy brain entrainment techniques." The "directed energy brainwashing techniques." The "directed energy brainwave entrainment techniques." The "directed energy countermeasures." The "directed energy devices." The "directed energy harassment." The "directed energy mind control techniques." The "directed energy subliminal mind control attacks." The "directed energy techniques." The "directed energy technologies." The "directed energy weapon attacks." The "directed energy weapon harassment." The "directed energy weapons systems research." The "directed energy weaponry technologies." The "directed energy weapons countermeasures." The "directed energy technologies." The "directed energy torture weapons systems research." The "directed energy weapons conspiracies." The "directed energy weapons experiments." The "directed energy weapons mind control attacks." The "directed energy weapons processes." The "directed energy weapons programming." The "directed energy weapons secrets." The "directed energy weapons systems research." The "directed energy weapons technologies." The "directed energy weapons." The "directed energy weapons design and development." The "directed energy weapons development." The "directed energy weapons research, design and development." The "directed energy weapons systems technologies." The "directed energy weapons techniques." The "directed energy weapons technologies."
The "Discovery Channel's MythBusters program." The "Discovery Channel's MythBusters TV program." The "Doug Coil RIFE devices." The "Doug Coil PEMF devices." The "dsm iv."
The "electronic attack bands." The "electronic attack bandwidth."
The "electronic attack blockers." The "electronic attack countermeasure
services." The "electronic attack countermeasures." The "electronic
attack data." The "electronic attack defenses." The "electronic
attack detection." The "electronic attack detectors." The "electronic
attack eliminators." The "electronic attack exotic weapons."
The "electronic attack information." The "electronic attack jammers."
The "electronic attack lessons." The "electronic attack protectors."
The "electronic attack protection." The "electronic attack repellents."
The "electronic attack repellers." The "electronic attack repulsers."
The "electronic attack weapons." The "electronic attack consultants."
The "electronic attack consulting services." The "electronic
attack customized device services." The "electronic attack customized
devices." The "electronic attack development services." The "electronic
attack designs." The "electronic brain inhibitions." The "electronic
brain stimulations." The "electronic attack control design services."
The "electronic attack devices." The "electronic attack equipment."
The "electronic attack frequencies in khz." The "electronic attack
hardware." The "electronic attack countermeasure invention services."
The "electronic attack invention laboratory services." The "electronic
attack invention prototyping services." The "electronic attack invention
services." The "electronic attack inventions." The "electronic
attack inventors." The "electronic attack laboratory services."
The "electronic attack laboratories." The "electronic attack
medical causations." The "electronic attack medical manifestations."
The "electronic attack merchandise." The "electronic attack methods."
The "electronic attack paranoia." The "electronic attack psychosis."
The "electronic attack product creation services." The "electronic
attack product development services." The "electronic attack product
services." The "electronic attack product researchers." The "electronic
attack products." The "electronic attack prototype services."
The "electronic attack prototypes." The "electronic attack prototyping
services." The "electronic attack repair services." The "electronic
attack R&D services." The "electronic attack research, design
and development services." The "electronic attack research laboratories."
The "electronic attack secrets." The "electronic attack research
services." The "electronic attack researchers." The "electronic
attack services." The "electronic attack sexual abuse." The "electronic
attack skin lesions." The "electronic attack skin rashes." The
"electronic attack special projects services." The "electronic
attack special services." The "electronic attack spectrum." The
"electronic attack strategies." The "electronic attack tactics."
The "electronic attack techniques." The "electronic attack technologies."
The "electronic attack testers." The "electronic attack testing
laboratories." The "electronic attack tactics." The "electronic
attack testing services." The "electronic attack tips." The "electronic
attack troubleshooters." The "electronic attack troubleshooting services."
The "electronic attack tutorial." The "electronic attacks using
artificial intelligence."
The "electronic blockers." The "electronic body control attacks." The "electronic brain stimulation devices." The "electronic brain stimulations." The "electronic countermeasure services." The "electronic countermeasure invention services." The "electronic countermeasures against behavioral modification attacks." The "electronic countermeasures against brain entrainment attacks." The "electronic countermeasures against brainwashing attacks." The "electronic countermeasures against body control attacks." The "electronic countermeasures against directed energy weapons attacks." The "electronic countermeasures against electronic attacks." The "electronic countermeasures against electronic gang stalking attacks." The "electronic countermeasures against electronic harassment." The "electronic countermeasures against mind control attacks." The "electronic countermeasures against mind reading attacks." The "electronic countermeasures against subliminal mind control attacks." The "electronic countermeasures technology." The "electronic defenses." The "electronic demodulation of audio." The "electronic demodulation of brainwaves." The "electronic detection." The "electronic detectors." The "electronic eliminators." The "electronic experiments." The "electronic gang mobbing." The "electronic gang stalking countermeasures." The "electronic gang stalking." The "electronic gangstalking." The "electronic harass." The "electronic harassment blockers." The "electronic harassment countermeasures." The "electronic harassment countermeasures." The "electronic harassment defenses." The "electronic harassment detection." The "electronic harassment detection." The "electronic harassment detectors." The "electronic harassment eliminators." The "electronic harassment jammers." The "electronic harassment protectors." The "electronic harassment protection." The "electronic harassment repellents." The "electronic harassment repellers." The "electronic harassment repulsers." The "electronic harassment systems." The "electronic harassment techniques." The "electronic harassment technologies." The "electronic harassment weapons." The "electronic inhibition of the brain." The "electronic jammers."
The "electronic mind control blockers." The "electronic mind control countermeasures." The "electronic mind control defenses." The "electronic mind control detection." The "electronic mind control detectors." The "electronic mind control eliminators." The "electronic mind control jammers." The "electronic mind control protectors." The "electronic mind control protection." The "electronic mind control repellents." The "electronic mind control repellers." The "electronic mind control repulsers." The "electronic mind control weapons." The "electronic modulation with audio." The "electronic modulation with brainwaves."
The "electronic anti-terrorism." The "electronic attack devices." The "electronic attack electrodes." The "electronic attack equipment." The "electronic attack hardware." The "electronic attack experiments." The "electronic attack expose." The "electronic attacking." The "electronic attacks." The "electronic circuits." The "electronic circuit designs." The "electronic design and development." The "electronic designs." The "electronic detectors." The "electronic devices." The "electronic dowsers." The "electronic dowsing." The "electronic drugstore." The "electronic electrodes." The "electronic brain entrainment." The "electronic entrainment." The "electronic genital attacks." The "electronic genital stimulations." The "electronic hardware." The "electronic harassing." The "electronic harassment experiments."The "electronic human surveillance devices." The "electronic human tracking devices."
The "electronic jammers." The "electronic jamming issues." The "electronic mind control attacks." The "electronic mind control devices." The "electronic mind reading devices." The "electronic protectors." The "electronic protection." The "electronic repellents." The "electronic repellers." The "electronic repulsers." The "electronic research." The "electronic sexual abuse." The "electronic sexual attacks." The "electronic shielding issues." The "electronic spying." The "electronic stimulation of the genitals." The "electronic stimulation devices." The "electronic stimulations." The "electronic stimulators." The "electronic subliminal mind control attacks." The "electronic surveillance." The "electronic techniques." The "electronics technologies." The "electronic terrorism." The "electronic torture weapons." The "electronic tracking." The "electronic torment." The "electronic torture." The "electronic tracking." The "electronic victims." The "electronic voice phenomena." The "electronic weapons countermeasures." The "electronic weapons devices." The "electronic weapons of torture." The "electronic weapons programs." The "electronic stimulation of the brain." The "electronic weapons research." The "electronic weapons systems research." The "electronic weapon system devices." The "electronic weapons systems technologies." The "electronic ventriloquism." The "electronic weapons of mass destruction."
The "electronically attack. " The "electronically attacked. " The "electronically control. " The "electronically controlled. " The "electronically harass. " The "electronically harassed." The "electronically-induced mind control devices." The "electronically surveil. " The "electronically surveilled. " The "electronically track. " The "electronically tracked." The "electrophonic hearing." The "electrophonic sounds." The "electrotelepathic attacks." The "electrotelepathic harassment."
EM-EZ: The "EM harassing devices." The "em jammers." The "em weaponry." The "em zappers." The "emf harassing devices." The "emf jammers." The "emf weaponry." The "emf weapons systems research." The "emf zappers." The "emotional brainwave clusters." The "emotional clusters of brainwaves." The "emotional trauma."
The "end aliens." The "end brain entrainment attacks." The "end brainwashing attacks." The "end electronic attacks." The "end electronic brain entrainment attacks." The "end electronic entrainment attacks." The "end electronic harassment." The "end electronic mind control attacks." The "end electronic spying." The "end electronic subliminal mind control attacks." The "end electronic surveillance." The "end electronic torture." The "end ghosts." The "end infrasonic attacks." The "end lightning attacks." The "end mind control attacks." The "end pain field generator attacks." The "end subliminal mind control attacks." The "end ultrasonic attacks." The "end ultrasonic entrainment attacks." The "end ultrasonic harassment." The "end ultrasonic mind control attacks." The "end ultrasonic spying." The "end ultrasonic subliminal mind control attacks." The "end ultrasonic surveillance." The "end ultrasonic torture." The "end unknown entities." The "end unknown presences."
The "entrainment countermeasures." The "entrainment devices." The "entrainment electronics." The "entrainment experiments." The "entrainment methods." The "entrainment systems." The "entrainment technology." The "entrainment torture." The "environmental manifestations of body control attacks." The "environmental manifestations of directed energy attacks." The "medical manifestations of electronic attacks." The "environmental manifestations of electronic gang stalking." The "environmental manifestations of electronic harassment." The "environmental manifestations of mind control attacks." The "physiological effects of electronic attack." The "physiological manifestations of electronic attack." The "equipment customizing." The "equipment designs." The "equipment designing." The "equipment integration." The "equipment inventions." The "equipment inventing." The "equipment modifying." The "equipment modifications." The "equipment prototyping." The "equipment repairs." The "equipment repairing." The "equipment testing." The "equipment troubleshooting." The "equipment upgrades ." The "equipment upgrading." The "ET abductions." The "ET attacks." The "ET electronic attacks." The "ET mind control powers." The "evoked potentials." The "experts in electronic attacks." The "experts in electronic mind control attacks." The "experts in mind control attacks." The "extra sensory pain fields." The "extra sensory perception." The "extra sensory persecution." The "extra sensory persuasion." The "extra sensory pleasure." The "extra sensory projection." The "extrasensory pain fields." The "extrasensory perception." The "extrasensory persecution." The "extrasensory persuasion." The "extrasensory pleasure." The "extrasensory projection." The "extra sensual pain fields." The "extra sensual perception." The "extra sensual persecution." The "extra sensual persuasion." The "extra sensual pleasure." The "extra sensual projection." The "extrasensual pain fields." The "extrasensual perception." The "extrasensual persecution." The "extrasensual persuasion." The "extrasensual pleasure." The "extrasensual projection." The "extra sexual pain fields." The "extra sexual perception." The "extra sexual persecution." The "extra sexual persuasion." The "extra sexual pleasure." The "extra sexual projection." The "extrasexual pain fields." The "extrasexual perception." The "extrasexual persecution." The "extrasexual persuasion." The "extrasexual pleasure." The "extrasexual projection."
F: The "fake alien abductions." The "federal electronic attack research programs." The "federal mind control human research programs." The "fight electronic terrorism." The "fighting electronic terrorism." The "fight terrorism." The "fighting terrorism." The "flash blasters." The "flashing LED mind controllers." The "flashing LED mind control devices." The "flashing LED mind control technologies." The "FMRI non-consensual lie detection." The "FMRI non-consensual lie detectors." The "free catalog." The "free estimates." The "free support." The "free technical information." The "free technical support." The "frequency following response." The "frequency instrument therapy." The "Frey Effect devices." The "Frey Effects technology." The "Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging technology (FMRI)."
G: The "galvanic skin response devices." The "gamma brain waves." The "gamma brain wave control." The "gamma brainwaves." The "gamma brainwave control." The "gamma brainwave monitoring." The "gamma brainwave signals." The "gamma frequencies." The "gamma waves." The "gang stalking." The "gangstalking." The "ghost buster." The "ghost busters." The "ghost busting." The "ghostbuster devices." The "ghostbuster equipment." The "ghostbuster hardware." The "ghostbuster merchandise." The "ghostbuster offers." The "ghostbuster products." The "ghostbuster devices." The "ghostbuster equipment." The "ghostbuster hardware." The "ghostbuster merchandise." The "ghostbuster offers." The "ghostbuster products." The "ghost buster devices." The "ghost buster equipment." The "ghost buster hardware." The "ghost buster merchandise." The "ghost buster offers." The "ghost buster products." The "ghostbusting devices." The "ghostbusting equipment." The "ghostbusting hardware." The "ghostbusting merchandise." The "ghostbusting offers." The "ghostbusting products." The "ghost busting devices." The "ghost busting equipment." The "ghost busting hardware." The "ghost busting merchandise." The "ghost busting offers." The "ghost busting products." The "ghost countermeasures." The "ghost defenses." The "ghost detection." The "ghost detectors." The "ghost detecting.", The "ground sounds."
The "government beams voices into your head." The "government controls your mind." The "government electronic attacks." The "government spies." The "government transponders." The "government brain entrainment experiments." The "government conspiracies." The "government mind control attacks." The "government mind control experiments." The "government sends voices into your head." The "government subliminal mind control experiments."
H: The "hall effect devices." The "happiness." The "happy state." The "hardware customizing." The "hardware designs." The "hardware designing." The "hardware integration." The "hardware inventions." The "hardware inventing." The "hardware modifying." The "hardware modifications." The "hardware prototyping." The "hardware repairs." The "hardware repairing." The "hardware research." The "hardware testing." The "hardware troubleshooting." The "hardware upgrades ." The "hardware upgrading." The "harassing signals." The "Havana Syndrome attacks." The "hearing aid telecoils and magnetic induction loop systems." The "hearing aid telecoils and magnetic loop systems." The "hearing voices in your head." The "hearing voices in your mind." The "hearing your own thoughts." The "harassment signals." The "head injuries." The "head trauma." The "heightened state of paranoia." The "hidden trauma."
The "high frequency brain stimulation." The "high-frequency hum detection." The "high-frequency hum detecting." The "high-frequency hum detectors." The "high frequency stimulation of the brain." The "high tech consultants." The "hi-tech consultants." The "high tech consulting." The "hi-tech consulting." The "high tech devices." The "hi-tech devices." The "high tech equipment." The "hi-tech equipment." The "high tech hardware." The "hi-tech hardware." The "high tech offers." The "hi-tech offers." The "high tech products." The "hi-tech products." The "high tech services." The "hi-tech services." The "high tech security consultants." The "hi-tech security consultants." The "high tech security consulting." The "hi-tech security consulting." The "high tech security devices." The "hi-tech security devices." The "high tech security equipment." The "hi-tech security equipment." The "high tech security hardware." The "hi-tech security hardware." The "high tech security offers." The "hi-tech security offers." The "high tech security products." The "hi-tech security products." The "high tech security services." The "hi-tech security services." The "high tech survival consultants." The "hi-tech survival consultants." The "high tech survival consulting." The "hi-tech survival consulting." The "high tech survival devices." The "hi-tech survival devices." The "high tech survival equipment." The "hi-tech survival equipment." The "high tech survival hardware." The "hi-tech survival hardware." The "high tech survival offers." The "hi-tech survival offers." The "high tech survival products." The "hi-tech survival products." The "high tech survival services." The "hi-tech survival services." The "high voltage brain stimulations." The "high voltage stimulation of the brain." The "Holodeck mind control technique." The "holophone." The "holophonic sounds." The "holophone device." The "holophonic electronic device." The "holophone technology." The "holophonic mind control." The "holophonic attack."
The "how to detect alien abductions." The "how to detect body control attacks." The "how to detect brain entrainment attacks." The "how to detect brainwashing attacks." The "how to detect direct energy attacks." The "how to detect direct energy weapons attacks." The "how to detect entrainment attacks." The "how to detect electronic attacks." The "how to detect electronic entrainment attacks." The "how to detect electronic harassment." The "how to detect electronic mind control attacks." The "how to detect electronic spying." The "how to detect electronic subliminal mind control attacks." The "how to detect electronic surveillance." The "how to detect electronic torture." The "how to detect electronic weapons attacks." The "how to detect improvised weapons attacks." The "how to detect infrasonic attacks." The "how to detect infrasonic harassment." The "how to detect infrasonic torture." The "how to detect infrasonic weapons attacks." The "how to detect mind control attacks." The "how to detect subliminal mind control attacks." The "how to detect ultrasonic attacks." The "how to detect ultrasonic entrainment attacks." The "how to detect ultrasonic harassment." The "how to detect ultrasonic mind control attacks." The "how to detect ultrasonic spying." The "how to detect ultrasonic subliminal mind control attacks." The "how to detect ultrasonic torture." The "how to detect ultrasonic weapons attacks."
The "how to prevent alien abductions." The "how to prevent body control attacks." The "how to prevent brain entrainment attacks." The "how to prevent brainwashing attacks." The "how to prevent direct energy attacks." The "how to prevent direct energy weapons attacks." The "how to prevent entrainment attacks." The "how to prevent electronic attacks." The "how to prevent electronic entrainment attacks." The "how to prevent electronic harassment." The "how to prevent electronic mind control attacks." The "how to prevent electronic spying." The "how to prevent electronic subliminal mind control attacks." The "how to prevent electronic surveillance." The "how to prevent electronic torture." The "how to prevent electronic weapons attacks." The "how to prevent improvised weapons attacks." The "how to prevent infrasonic attacks." The "how to prevent infrasonic harassment." The "how to prevent infrasonic torture." The "how to prevent infrasonic weapons attacks." The "how to prevent mind control attacks." The "how to prevent subliminal mind control attacks." The "how to prevent ultrasonic attacks." The "how to prevent ultrasonic entrainment attacks." The "how to prevent ultrasonic harassment." The "how to prevent ultrasonic mind control attacks." The "how to prevent ultrasonic spying." The "how to prevent ultrasonic subliminal mind control attacks." The "how to prevent ultrasonic torture." The "how to prevent ultrasonic weapons attacks."
The "how to stop alien abductions." The "how to stop body control attacks." The "how to stop brain entrainment attacks." The "how to stop brainwashing attacks." The "how to stop direct energy attacks." The "how to stop direct energy weapons attacks." The "how to stop entrainment attacks." The "how to stop electronic attacks." The "how to stop electronic entrainment attacks." The "how to stop electronic harassment." The "how to stop electronic mind control attacks." The "how to stop electronic spying." The "how to stop electronic subliminal mind control attacks." The "how to stop electronic surveillance." The "how to stop electronic torture." The "how to stop electronic weapons attacks." The "how to stop improvised weapons attacks." The "how to stop infrasonic attacks." The "how to stop infrasonic harassment." The "how to stop infrasonic torture." The "how to stop infrasonic weapons attacks." The "how to stop mind control attacks." The "how to stop subliminal mind control attacks." The "how to stop ultrasonic attacks." The "how to stop ultrasonic entrainment attacks." The "how to stop ultrasonic harassment." The "how to stop ultrasonic mind control attacks." The "how to stop ultrasonic spying." The "how to stop ultrasonic subliminal mind control attacks." The "how to stop ultrasonic torture." The "how to stop ultrasonic weapons attacks."
The "human auditory response to modulated electrical energy." The "human auditory response to modulated electromagnetic energy." The "human auditory response to modulated microwave energy." The "human auditory response to modulated microwaves." The "human auditory response to modulated pulsed energy." The "human auditory response to modulated pulsed RF energy." The "human auditory response to modulated RF energy." The "human auditory system response to modulated electrical energy." The "human auditory system response to modulated electromagnetic energy." The "human auditory system response to modulated microwave energy." The "human auditory system response to modulated microwaves." The "human auditory system response to modulated pulsed energy." The "human auditory system response to modulated pulsed RF energy." The "human auditory system response to modulated RF energy." The "human auditory response to electrical energy." The "human auditory response to electromagnetic energy." The "human auditory response to microwave energy." The "human auditory response to microwaves." The "human auditory response to pulsed energy." The "human auditory response to pulsed RF energy." The "human auditory response to RF energy." The "human auditory system response to electrical energy." The "human auditory system response to electromagnetic energy." The "human auditory system response to microwave energy." The "human auditory system response to microwaves." The "human auditory system response to pulsed energy." The "human auditory system response to pulsed RF energy." The "human auditory system response to RF energy."
I: The "induced altered states." The "induced mind control attacks." The "infrasonic attack tutorial." The "infrasonic blockers." The "infrasonic countermeasures." The "infrasonic defenses." The "infrasonic detection." The "infrasonic detectors." The "infrasonic eliminators." The "infrasonic jammers." The "infrasonic protectors." The "infrasonic protection." The "infrasonic remote attacks." The "infrasonic remote control attacks." The "infrasonic repellents." The "infrasonic repellers." The "infrasonic repulsers." The "infrasonic weapons.
The "infrasonic attack blockers." The "infrasonic attack countermeasures." The "infrasonic attack defenses." The "infrasonic attack detection." The "infrasonic attack detectors." The "infrasonic attack eliminators." The "infrasonic attack jammers." The "infrasonic attack protectors." The "infrasonic attack protection." The "infrasonic attack repellents." The "infrasonic attack repellers." The "infrasonic attack repulsers." The "infrasonic attack weapons." The "infrasound brain stimulations."
The "infrasonic harassment blockers." The "infrasonic harassment countermeasures." The "infrasonic harassment defenses." The "infrasonic harassment detection." The "infrasonic harassment detectors." The "infrasonic harassment eliminators." The "infrasonic harassment jammers." The "infrasonic harassment protectors." The "infrasonic harassment protection." The "infrasonic harassment repellents." The "infrasonic harassment repellers." The "infrasonic harassment repulsers." The "infrasonic harassment weapons."
The "infrasonic mind control blockers." The "infrasonic mind control countermeasures." The "infrasonic mind control defenses." The "infrasonic mind control detection." The "infrasonic mind control detectors." The "infrasonic mind control eliminators." The "infrasonic mind control jammers." The "infrasonic mind control protectors." The "infrasonic mind control protection." The "infrasonic mind control repellents." The "infrasonic mind control repellers." The "infrasonic mind control repulsers." The "infrasonic mind control weapons."
The "infrasonic attacking." The "infrasonic attacks." The "infrasonic brain stimulations." The "infrasonic circuits." The "infrasonic circuit designs." The "infrasonic commo." The "infrasonic communicators." The "infrasonic communications." The "infrasonic designs." The "infrasonic detectors." The "infrasonic entrainment." The "infrasonic harassing." The "infrasonic harassment." The "infrasonic jammers." The "infrasonic jamming issues." The "infrasonic mind control attacks." The "infrasonic modulated carrier." The "infrasonic modulations." The "infrasonic shielding issues." The "infrasonic techniques." The "infrasonic technologies." The "infrasonic torment." The "infrasonic torture weapons systems research." The "infrasonic victims." The "infrasonic weapons systems research." The "infrasonic weapons technologies." The "infrasonic weapons of mass destruction."
The "inhibition of the brain." The "inhibitory responses." The "invasive electrodes." The "investigate aliens." The "investigate electronic attack." The "investigate electronic harassment." The "investigate electronic weapons." The "investigate fortean phenomena." The "investigate ghosts." The "investigate spirits." The "investigate ultrasonic attack." The "investigate ultrasonic harassment." The "investigate ultrasonic weapons." The "investigate unknown entities." The "investigate unknown presences."
J-K: The "jam behavioral modification attacks." The "jam brain entrainment attack." The "jam brainwashing attacks." The "jam body control attacks." The "jam directed energy weapons attacks." The "jam electronic attacks." The "jam electronic gang stalking attacks." The "jam electronic harassment." The "jam mind control attacks." The "jam mind reading attacks." The "jam subliminal mind control attacks." The "jam brain entrainment." The "jam electronic attacks." The "jam electronic brain entrainment." The "jam electronic entrainment." The "jam electronic harassment." The "jam electronic mind control attacks." The "jam electronic spying." The "jam electronic subliminal mind control attacks." The "jam electronic surveillance." The "jam electronic torture." The "jam electronic weapons." The "jam emf." The "jam infrasonic attacks." The "jam infrasonic entrainment." The "jam infrasonic harassment." The "jam infrasonic mind control attacks." The "jam psychological control." The "jam psychological entrainment." The "jam infrasonic subliminal mind control attacks." The "jam mind control attacks." The "jam subliminal mind control attacks." The "jam ultrasonic attacks." The "jam ultrasonic entrainment." The "jam ultrasonic harassment." The "jam ultrasonic mind control attacks." The "jam ultrasonic spying." The "jam ultrasonic subliminal mind control attacks." The "jam ultrasonic surveillance." The "jam ultrasonic torture." The "jam ultrasonic weapons." The "jam signals." The "jamming signals."
L: The "laser torture weapons systems research." The "laser weapons systems research." The "laser weapons technologies." The "LED mind controllers." The "LED mind control devices." The "LED mind control technologies." The "life coaching." The "life coaching services." The "lightning detectors." The "light therapy." The "Lilly wave bipolar stimulation." The "Lilly wave brain stimulation techniques." The "Lilly wave devices." The "Lilly wave nerve stimulation techniques." The "Lilly wave phenomena." The "Lilly wave stimulation techniques." The "Lilly waves." The "Lilly waveform brain stimulation techniques." The "Lilly waveforms." The "living dead mind capture devices." The "living dead mind control devices." The "Lone Star Consulting, Inc." The "low-frequency hum detection." The "low-frequency hum detecting." The "low-frequency hum detectors." The "LRAD mind control attacks." The "LRAD weapon systems."
M: The "made-to-order." The "made-to-order consulting." The "made-to-order devices." The "made-to-order equipment." The "made-to-order hardware." The "made-to-order merchandise." The "made-to-order offers." The "magnetic induction loop systems and telecoils for hearing aids." The "magnetic induction loop systems and hearing aid telecoils." The "magnetic loop systems and telecoils for hearing aids." The "magnetic loop systems and hearing aid telecoils." The "magnetic resonance imagery eavesdropping." The "magnetic resonance imagery mind control attacks." The "magnetic resonance imagery surveillance." The "magnetic resonance imagery technology." The "magnetic resonance imaging eavesdropping." The "magnetic resonance imaging mind control attacks." The "magnetic resonance imaging surveillance." The "magnetic resonance imaging technology." The "manchurian candidate." The "massive electronic attack dysfunction." The "massive electronic attack syndrome." The "massive electronic attack perpetrators." The "massive electronic attack victims." The "massive electronic attack nightmare dysfunction." The "massive electronic attack nightmare syndrome." The "massive electronic attack nightmare perpetrators." The "massive electronic attack nightmare victims." The "medical causations of body control attacks." The "medical causations of electronic attacks." The "medical causations of mind control attacks." The "medical diagnosis of mind control attacks." The "medical diagnosis of psychological diseases." The "MEAN perpetrators." The "MEAN Syndrome." The "MEAN victims." The "medical manifestations of brain entrainment." The "medical manifestations of brainwashing." The "medical manifestations of behavioral modification." The "medical manifestations of body control attacks." The "medical manifestations of brainwashing." The "medical manifestations of directed energy attacks." The "medical manifestations of electronic attacks." The "medical manifestations of electronic gang stalking." The "medical manifestations of electronic harassment." The "medical manifestations of mind control attacks." The "medical manifestations of mind reading attacks." The "medical manifestations of subliminal mind control attacks."
The "mental breakdowns." The "mental depression." The "mental illness." The "mental illnesses." The "mentally ill." The "mental powers." The "mental telepathy." The "mental terrorism." The "mental therapy." The "mental trauma." The "mental victims." The "mental weapons." The "mental zombies." The "mental control of animals." The "mental control of computers." The "mental control of people." The "mentally control animals." The "mentally control computers." The "mentally control people."
The "merely by thinking." The "metal detectors." The "metal electrodes." The "Microwave Hearing Effect devices." The "Microwave Hearing Effect technology."
The "military satellite control of mind control devices." The "military satellite control signals." The "military satellite direct energy attacks." The "military satellite electronic attacks." The "military satellite mind control attacks." The "military satellite mind control systems." The "military satellite signals." The "military satellite spies." The "military satellite spying systems." The "military satellite subliminal mind control attacks." The "military satellite surveillance systems." The "military satellite terrorism." The "military satellite terrorists." The "military satellite tracking systems."
The "mind-body connection." The "mind capture electronic attacks." The "mind capture devices." The "mind capture systems." The "mind capture techniques." The "mind capture technologies." The "mind capture weapons." The "mind connection." The "mind controls." The "mind control attacks using artificial intelligence." The "mind control bands." The "mind control bandwidth." The "mind control conspiracies." The "mind control conspiracy." The "mind control countermeasure services." The "mind control countermeasures." The "mind control data." The "mind control customized devices." The "mind control detectors." The "mind control devices." The "mind control electrodes." The "mind control electronic attacks." The "mind control electronics." The "mind control experiments." The "mind control consultants." The "mind control consulting services." The "mind control countermeasure invention services." The "mind control customized device services." The "mind control customized devices." The "mind control data." The "mind control development services." The "mind control designs." The "mind control design services." The "mind control devices." The "mind control equipment." The "mind control exotic weapons." The "mind control expose." The "mind control frequencies in khz." The "mind control hardware." The "mind control invention laboratory services." The "mind control invention prototyping services." The "mind control invention services." The "mind control inventions." The "mind control inventors." The "mind control jamming issues." The "mind control lab." The "mind control laboratories." The "mind control laboratory services." The "mind control lessons." The "mind control medical causations." The "mind control medical manifestations." The "mind control methods." The "mind control merchandise."
The "mind control paranoia." The "mind control plots." The "mind control psychosis." The "mind control product creation services." The "mind control product development services." The "mind control product services." The "mind control product researchers." The "mind control products." The "mind control prototype services." The "mind control prototypes." The "mind control prototyping services." The "mind control powers." The "mind control programming." The "mind control protection." The "mind control repair services." The "mind control R&D services." The "mind control research, design and development services." The "mind control research laboratories." The "mind control research services." The "mind control researchers." The "mind control satellites." The "mind control secrets." The "mind control services." The "mind control shielding issues." The "mind control special projects services." The "mind control special services." The "mind control spectrum." The "mind control systems." The "mind control slaves." The "mind control stories." The "mind control strategies." The "mind control tactics." The "mind control techniques." The "mind control technology." The "mind control technologies." The "mind control tips." The "mind control tutorial." The "mind control testers." The "mind control testing laboratories." The "mind control testing services." The "mind control troubleshooters." The "mind control troubleshooting services." The "mind control using artificial intelligence." The "mind control victims." The "mind control weapons systems research." The "mind control weapons technologies." The "mind control zombies."
The "mind games." The "mind probe attacks." The "mind probes." The "mind probing." The "mind processes." The "mind inhibitors." The "mind reading attacks." The "mind reading countermeasures." The "mind reading mind control attacks." The "mind reading devices." The "mind stimulators." The "mobius coil." The "mobius strip." The "modify behavior." The "modifying circuits." The "modifying devices." The "modifying equipment." The "modifying hardware." The "modifying products." The "modifying services." The "modulate brainwaves." The "modulated brainwaves." The "modulation of brainwaves." The "modulate ultrasounds." The "monitoring electrodes." The "Montauk Chair." The "motor control cortex." The "MRI eavesdropping." The "MRI mind control techniques." The "MRI surveillance." The "MRI technology." The "murder by electronic attack." The "murder by mind control attack." The "myth busters programs." The "myth busters researchers." The "MythBusters program." The "MythBusters television program." The "MythBusters TV program."
N-O: The "nanobot conspiracy." The "nanobot devices." The "nanobot electronic attacks." The "nanobot mind control techniques." The "nanobot techniques." The "nanobot technologies." The "neural processes." The "neural prosthesis." The "neural signals."
The "neurological attack bands." The "neurological attack bandwidth." The "neurological attack blockers." The "neurological attack countermeasure services." The "neurological attack countermeasures." The "neurological attack data." The "neurological attack defenses." The "neurological attack detection." The "neurological attack detectors." The "neurological attack eliminators." The "neurological attack exotic weapons." The "neurological attack information." The "neurological attack jammers." The "neurological attack lessons." The "neurological attack protectors." The "neurological attack protection." The "neurological attack repellents." The "neurological attack repellers." The "neurological attack repulsers." The "neurological attack weapons." The "neurological attack consultants." The "neurological attack consulting services." The "neurological attack customized device services." The "neurological attack customized devices." The "neurological attack development services." The "neurological attack designs." The "neurological attack control design services." The "neurological attack devices." The "neurological attack equipment." The "neurological attack frequencies in khz." The "neurological attack hardware." The "neurological attack countermeasure invention services." The "neurological attack laboratory services." The "neurological attack laboratories." The "neurological attack medical causations." The "neurological attack medical manifestations." The "neurological attack merchandise." The "neurological attack methods." The "neurological attack paranoia." The "neurological attack psychosis." The "neurological attack product services." The "neurological attack product researchers." The "neurological attack products." The "neurological attack prototype services." The "neurological attack prototypes." The "neurological attack prototyping services." The "neurological attack repair services." The "neurological attack R&D services." The "neurological attack research, design and development services." The "neurological attack research laboratories." The "neurological attack secrets." The "neurological attack research services." The "neurological attack researchers." The "neurological attack services." The "neurological attack special projects services." The "neurological attack special services." The "neurological attack spectrum." The "neurological attack strategies." The "neurological attack tactics." The "neurological attack techniques." The "neurological attack technologies." The "neurological attack testers." The "neurological torture weapons." The "neurological attack testing laboratories." The "neurological attack tactics." The "neurological attack testing services." The "neurological attack tips." The "neurological attack troubleshooters." The "neurological attack troubleshooting services." The "neurological attack tutorial." The "neurological attacks using artificial intelligence." The "neurological attacks."
The "neurological interference." The "neurological weapons attack bands." The "neurological weapons attack bandwidth." The "neurological weapons attack blockers." The "neurological weapons attack countermeasure services." The "neurological weapons attack countermeasures." The "neurological weapons attack data." The "neurological weapons attack defenses." The "neurological weapons attack detection." The "neurological weapons attack detectors." The "neurological weapons attack eliminators." The "neurological weapons attack exotic weapons." The "neurological weapons attack information." The "neurological weapons attack jammers." The "neurological weapons attack lessons." The "neurological weapons attack protectors." The "neurological weapons attack protection." The "neurological weapons attack repellents." The "neurological weapons attack repellers." The "neurological weapons attack repulsers." The "neurological weapons attack weapons." The "neurological weapons attack consultants." The "neurological weapons attack consulting services." The "neurological weapons attack customized device services." The "neurological weapons attack customized devices." The "neurological weapons attack development services." The "neurological weapons attack designs." The "neurological weapons attack control design services." The "neurological weapons attack devices." The "neurological weapons attack equipment." The "neurological weapons attack frequencies in khz." The "neurological weapons attack hardware." The "neurological weapons attack countermeasure invention services." The "neurological weapons attack laboratory services." The "neurological weapons attack laboratories." The "neurological weapons attack medical causations." The "neurological weapons attack medical manifestations." The "neurological weapons attack merchandise." The "neurological weapons attack methods." The "neurological weapons attack paranoia." The "neurological weapons attack psychosis." The "neurological weapons attack product services." The "neurological weapons attack product researchers." The "neurological weapons attack products." The "neurological weapons attack prototype services." The "neurological weapons attack prototypes." The "neurological weapons attack prototyping services." The "neurological weapons attack repair services." The "neurological weapons attack R&D services." The "neurological weapons attack research, design and development services." The "neurological weapons attack research laboratories." The "neurological weapons attack secrets." The "neurological weapons attack research services." The "neurological weapons attack researchers." The "neurological weapons attack services." The "neurological weapons attack special projects services." The "neurological weapons attack special services." The "neurological weapons attack spectrum." The "neurological weapons attack strategies." The "neurological weapons attack tactics." The "neurological weapons attack techniques." The "neurological weapons attack technologies." The "neurological weapons attack testers." The "neurological weapons attack testing laboratories." The "neurological weapons attack tactics." The "neurological weapons attack testing services." The "neurological weapons attack tips." The "neurological weapons attack troubleshooters." The "neurological weapons attack troubleshooting services." The "neurological weapons attack tutorial." The "neurological weapons attacks using artificial intelligence." The "neurological weapons attacks."
The "neuromancing technology." The "neuromarketing technology." The "new world order mind control (mindcon)." The "new world order mind reading (mindread)." The "Nexus Magazine." The "non-invasive electrodes."
The "off the shelf devices." The "off the shelf hardware." The "outer limits." The "outer space alien abductions." The "outer space alien attacks." The "outer space alien blasters." The "outer space alien busters." The "outer space alien electronic attacks." The "outer space alien mind control powers." The "outer space alien weapons systems research." The "outer space alien weapons." The "outer space aliens." The "outrageous circuit designs." The "outrageous circuits." The "outrageous devices." The "outrageous electronic devices." The "outrageous electronic gadgets." The "outrageous electronics." The "outrageous equipment." The "outrageous gadgets." The "outrageous hardware." The "outrageous products." The "outrageous projects." The "outrageous science projects." The "outrageous special projects." The "over the counter devices." The "over the counter hardware."
PA-PO: The "pain field generator attacks." The "pain field generators." The "pain manipulation devices." The "pain manipulation technologies." The "pain manipulation weapons." The "panic attack." The "panic attacks." The "panic room." The "parametric applications." The "parametric audio systems." The "parametric speakers." The "parametric transducers." The "parametric ultrasonics." The "parametric ultrasound systems." The "paranormal activities." The "paranormal activity." The "paranormal investigators." The "paranormal phenomena." The "paranormal phenomenon." The "paranormal researchers." The "paranormal science." The "paranormal sightings." The "paranormal sounds." The "paranormal studies." The "paranormal stuff." The "paranormal things." The "personal electronic attack jammers." The "personal electronic jammers." The "personal jammers." The "personal ultrasonic attack jammers." The "personal ultrasonic jammers." The "personality disorder manifestations." The "personality profiling technology." The "phantom experiences." The "phantom manifestations." The "phantom pains." The "phantom sights." The "phantom sounds." The "phantom symptoms." The "phantom voices."
The "physical manifestations of body control attacks." The "physical manifestations of directed energy attacks." The "physical manifestations of electronic attacks." The "physical manifestations of electronic gang stalking." The "physical manifestations of electronic harassment." The "physical manifestations of mind control attacks." The "physiological effects of electronic attack." The "physiological manifestations of electronic attack." The "physiological problems." The "pig squealing sounds manifestations." The "plasma torture weapons systems research." The "plasma weapons systems research." The "plasma weapons technologies." The "Psychotronic Influence System technology (PIS technology)." The "positive reinforcement." The "post traumatic stress disorder manifestations." The "power of suggestion." The "power of suggesting." The "psychological trauma." The "PTSD manifestations."
PR: The "precious metal electrodes." The "prevent aliens." The "prevent brain entrainment attacks." The "prevent brainwashing attacks." The "prevent electronic attacks." The "prevent electronic brain entrainment attacks." The "prevent electronic entrainment attacks." The "prevent electronic harassment." The "prevent electronic mind control attacks." The "prevent electronic spying." The "prevent electronic subliminal mind control attacks." The "prevent electronic surveillance." The "prevent electronic torture." The "prevent ghosts." The "prevent infrasonic attacks." The "prevent lightning attacks." The "prevent mind control attacks." The "prevent pain field generator attacks." The "prevent subliminal mind control attacks." The "prevent ultrasonic attacks." The "prevent ultrasonic entrainment attacks." The "prevent ultrasonic harassment." The "prevent ultrasonic mind control attacks." The "prevent ultrasonic spying." The "prevent ultrasonic subliminal mind control attacks." The "prevent ultrasonic surveillance." The "prevent ultrasonic torture." The "prevent unknown entities." The "prevent unknown presences."
The "products and services." The "professional products." The "professional services." The "program behavior." The "prototyping circuits." The "prototyping devices." The "prototyping equipment." The "prototyping hardware." The "prototyping inventions." The "prototyping products." The "prototyping services." The "psi attacks." The "psi mind control attacks." The "psi technology." The "psi weapons systems research." The "psionic attacks." The "psionic mind control attacks." The "psionic technology." The "psionic torture weapons systems research." The "psionic weapons technology." The "psychiatric experiences." The "psychiatric manifestations of mind control attacks." The "psychiatric symptoms of mind control attacks."
Psychic: The "psychic activities." The "psychic activity." The "psychic advances." The "psychic amplifiers." The "psychic attacks." The "psychic behavioral modifications." The "psychic body control attacks." The "psychic brain entrainment." The "psychic brainwashing." The "psychic communications." The "psychic control." The "psychic controllers." The "psychic counterattacks." The "psychic countermeasures." The "psychic crisis." The "psychic cure." The "psychic cures." The "psychic delivery systems." The "psychic destruction." The "psychic detection." The "psychic detectors." The "psychic devices." The "psychic discoveries." The "psych dowsing." The "psychic emergency." The "psychic equipment." The "psychic entrainment." The "psychic experiments." The "psychic harassment." The "psychic hardware." The "psychic healing." The "psychic jamming issues." The "psychic jammers." The "psychic medical." The "psychic merchandise." The "psychic mind control attacks." The "psychic offers." The "psychic powers." The "psychic products." The "psychic radionics." The "psychic receptions." The "psychic remote control." The "psychic research." The "psychic researchers." The "psychic science projects." The "psychic services." The "psychic shielding issues." The "psychic signals. The "psychic subliminal mind control attacks." The "psychic survival." The "psychic survivalism." The "psychic systems." The "psychic therapies." The "psychic therapy." The "psychic transmissions." The "psychic treatments." The "psychic victim." The "psychic victims." The "psychic weapons systems research." The "psychic weapons technologies." The "psychic weaponry."
Psychological: The "psychological battlefields." The "psychological disorder." The "psychological disorders." The "psychological effects of mind control attacks." The "psychological entraining." The "psychological entrainment technology." The "psychological experiences." The "psychological manifestations of mind control attacks." The "psyops operations technology." The "psyops programs technology." The "psychological problems." The "psychological research." The "psychological researchers." The "psychological symptoms of mind control attacks." The "psychological torment." The "psychological torture." The "psychological victims." The "psychological war." The "psychological warfare operations (psyops operations)." The "psychological warfare programs (psyops programs)." The "psychological weapons."
Psychotronic: The "psychotronic activities." The "psychotronic activity." The "psychotronic advances." The "psychotronic amplifiers." The "psychotronic attacks." The "psychotronic behavioral modifications." The "psychotronic body control attacks." The "psychotronic brain entrainment." The "psychotronic brainwashing." The "psychotronic communications." The "psychotronic control." The "psychotronic controllers." The "psychotronic counterattacks." The "psychotronic countermeasures." The "psychotronic cure." The "psychotronic cures." The "psychotronic delivery systems." The "psychotronic destruction." The "psychotronic detection." The "psychotronic detectors." The "psychotronic devices." The "psychotronic discoveries." The "psychic dowsing." The "psychotronic equipment." The "psychotronic entrainment." The "psychotronic experiments." The "psychotronic harassment." The "psychotronic hardware." The "psychotronic healing." The "psychotronic jamming issues." The "psychotronic jammers." The "psychotronic medical." The "psychotronic merchandise." The "psychotronic mind control attacks." The "psychotronic offers." The "psychotronic powers." The "psychotronic products." The "psychotronic radionics." The "psychotronic receptions." The "psychotronic remote control." The "psychotronic research." The "psychotronic researchers." The "psychotronic science projects." The "psychotronic services." The "psychotronic shielding issues." The "psychotronic signals. The "psychotronic subliminal mind control attacks." The "psychotronic survival." The "psychotronic survivalism." The "psychotronic systems." The "psychotronic therapies." The "psychotronic therapy." The "psychotronic torture weapons systems research." The "psychotronic transmissions." The "psychotronic treatments." The "psychotronic victim." The "psychotronic victims." The "psychotronic weapons systems research." The "psychotronic weapons technologies." The "psychotronic weaponry." The "pulse electrodes." The "pulsed brain stimulations." The "pulsed electronic attack techniques." The "pulsed mind control techniques." The "pulsed stimulation of the brain."
Q-R: The "racial profiling brainwave analysis." The "racial profiling brainwave signatures." The "racial profiling brainwave technology." The "radar countermeasures." The "radionics devices." The "radionics equipment." The "radionics hardware." The "radionics technology." The "radionics rife devices." The "radionics therapy." The "radio surveillance." The "recording electrodes." The "regrowth stimulations." The "regrowth stimulators." The "reflected sounds."
The "remote behavioral modification weapons." The "remote body control weapons." The "remote brain monitoring." The "remote brainwave entrainment weapons." The "remote brainwashing weapons." The "remote control attacks." The "remote control devices." The "remote control techniques." The "remote controllers." The "remote behavioral modification attacks." The "remote body control attacks." The "remote electronic attack weapons." The "remote brainwave entrainment attacks." The "remote brainwashing attacks." The "remote electronic attacks." The "remote mind control attacks." The "remote subliminal mind control attacks." The "remote ultrasonic attacks." The "remote behavioral modification devices." The "remote body control devices." The "remote brainwave entrainment devices." The "remote brainwashing devices." The "remote electronic attack devices." The "remote mind control devices." The "remote mind control weapons." The "remote neural devices." The "remote neural monitoring devices." The "remote neural monitoring technologies." The "remote neural monitoring weapons." The "RNM devices." The "RNM technologies." The "RNM weapons." The "remote sensing attacks." The "remote sensing detection." The "remote sensing detectors." The "remote sensing countermeasures." The "remote sensing devices." The "remote sensing equipment." The "remote sensing hardware." The "remote sensing systems." The "remote sensing tactics." The "remote sensing techniques." The "remote sensing technology." The "remote sensing weapons systems research." The "remote sensor systems." The "remote sensors." The "remote subliminal mind control devices." The "remote ultrasonic attack devices." The "remote ultrasonic devices." The "remote behavioral modification techniques." The "remote body control techniques." The "remote brainwave entrainment techniques." The "remote brainwashing techniques." The "remote electronic attack techniques." The "remote mind control techniques." The "remote subliminal mind control techniques." The "remote ultrasonic attack techniques." The "remote ultrasonic techniques." The "remote subliminal mind control weapons." The "remote ultrasonic attack weapons." The "remote ultrasonic weapons."
The "remote control behavioral modification attacks." The "remote control body control attacks." The "remote control brainwave entrainment attacks." The "remote control brainwashing attacks." The "remote control electronic attacks." The "remote control mind control attacks." The "remote control subliminal mind control attacks." The "remote control ultrasonic attacks." The "remote control behavioral modification devices." The "remote control body control devices." The "remote control brainwave entrainment devices." The "remote control brainwashing devices." The "remote control electronic attack devices." The "remote control mind control devices." The "remote control subliminal mind control devices." The "remote control ultrasonic attack devices." The "remote control ultrasonic devices." The "remote control behavioral modification techniques." The "remote control body control techniques." The "remote control brainwave entrainment techniques." The "remote control brainwashing techniques." The "remote control electronic attack techniques." The "remote control mind control techniques." The "remote control subliminal mind control techniques." The "remote control ultrasonic attack techniques." The "remote control ultrasonic techniques." The "remote control behavioral modification weapons." The "remote control body control weapons." The "remote control brainwave entrainment weapons." The "remote control brainwashing weapons." The "remote control electronic attack weapons." The "remote control mind control weapons." The "remote control subliminal mind control weapons." The "remote control ultrasonic attack weapons." The "remote control ultrasonic weapons." The "remote control viewing methods." The "remote control viewing technologies." The "remote influencing technologies."
The "radar torture weapons." The "radar weapons systems research." The "radar weapons technologies." The "radiation intelligence." The "REM sleep stage." The "rapid eye movement sleep stage." The "repairing circuits." The "repairing devices." The "repairing equipment." The "repairing hardware." The "repairing products." The "repairing services." The "reprogram behavior." The "reprogramming behavior." The "research designs." The "research hardware." The "research inventions." The "research products." The "research science project." The "research services." The "reverse engineer." The "research aliens." The "research electronic attack." The "research electronic harassment." The "research electronic weapons." The "research fortean phenomena." The "research ghosts." The "research spirits." The "research ultrasonic attack." The "research ultrasonic harassment." The "research ultrasonic weapons." The "research unknown entities." The "research unknown presences."The "reverse engineering." The "rf brain stimulations." The "rf stimulation of the brain." The "RFID attacks." The "RFID behavioral control devices." The "rife devices." The "rife hardware." The "room bug transmitters." The "Russian controlled offensive behavior."
SA-SO: The "satellite electronic attacks." The "satellite mind control attacks." The "satellite subliminal mind control attacks." The "satellite tracking." The "scalar waves fear." The "science project." The "science projects." The "secret communications methods." The "secret communications technologies." The "secret electronic attack technologies." The "secret mind control technologies." The "secret society brain entrainment experiments." The "secret society conspiracies." The "secret society mind control experiments." The "secret society subliminal mind control experiments." The "secret societies." The "secret technologies." The "secrets of body control attacks." The "secrets of brain entrainment." The "secrets of brainwave entrainment." The "secrets of brainwashing." The "secrets of directed energy weapons." The "secrets of electronic attack." The "secrets of electronic harassment." The "secrets of mind control attacks." The "secrets of subliminal mind control attacks." The "self-healing." The "self-healing devices." The "self-healing equipment." The "self-healing hardware." The "self-healing merchandise." The "self-healing offers." The "self-healing products." The "Semantic Stimuli Response Measurements Technology." The "sensory centers of the brain." The "severe altered states."
The "shield against electronic attacks." The "shield against electronic brain." The "shield against electronic entrainment." The "shield against electronic harassment." The "shield against electronic mind control attacks." The "shield against electronic spying." The "shield against electronic subliminal mind control attacks." The "shield against electronic surveillance." The "shield against electronic torture." The "shield against electronic weapons." The "shield against mind control attacks." The "shield against subliminal mind control attacks." The "shield against ultrasonic attacks." The "shield against ultrasonic entrainment." The "shield against ultrasonic harassment." The "shield against ultrasonic mind control attacks." The "shield against ultrasonic spying." The "shield against ultrasonic subliminal mind control attacks." The "shield against ultrasonic surveillance." The "shield against ultrasonic torture." The "shield against ultrasonic weapons." The "Silent Sound Spread Spectrum programs (SSSS programs)." The "Silent Sound Spread Spectrum systems (SSSS systems)." The "Silent Sound Spread Spectrum technologies (SSSS technologies)." The "Silent Subliminal Presentation System technology." The "signal jamming issues." The "signal jamming devices." The "signal jamming hardware." The "signal shielding issues." The "signals intelligence." The "sixth sense." The "skin lesions caused by electronic attacks." The "skin rashes caused by electronic attacks." The "sleep inducer." The "Solfeggio Frequencies." The "Solfeggio Scale." The "sonic torture weapons." The "sonic weapons systems research." The "sonic weapons technologies." The "Super Soft-Pinch Electrodes." The "sounds from the walls." The "sound detection system." The "Soviet controlled offensive behavior." The "Soviet KGB electronic attack programs." The "Soviet KGB electronic attack technologies." The "Soviet KGB mind control programs." The "Soviet KGB mind control technologies." The "Soviet KGB Psychotronic Influence System program (PIS program)."
SP: The "space alien abductions." The "space alien attacks." The "space alien blasters." The "space alien busters." The "space alien electronic attacks." The "space alien mind control powers." The "space alien weapons systems research." The "space alien weapons." The "space aliens." The "special orders." The "special order consulting." The "special order devices." The "special order equipment." The "special order hardware." The "special order merchandise." The "special order offers." The "special order products." The "special order product offers." The "special order services." The "special project." The "special project consulting." The "special project devices." The "special project equipment." The "special project hardware." The "special project merchandise." The "special project offers." The "special project products." The "special project product offers." The "special project services." The "special projects." The "special projects consulting." The "special projects devices." The "special projects equipment." The "special projects hardware." The "special projects merchandise." The "special projects offers." The "special projects products." The "special projects product offers." The "special projects services."The "specialized consulting." The "specialized devices." The "specialized equipment." The "specialized hardware." The "specialized merchandise." The "specialized offers." The "spirit world."
SQ-ST: The "Squad programs (S-Quad programs)." The "Squad systems (S-Quad systems)." The "Squad technologies (S-Quad technologies)." The "SSRM Tek." The "Stage 1 sleep." The "Stage 2 sleep." The "Stage 3 sleep." The "Stage 4 sleep." The "stealth paint." The "stealth paint mixture." The "stealth techniques." The "stealth technology." The "stim electrodes." The "stimulating electrodes." The "stimulations of the brain." The "stimulator electrodes."
The "stop aliens." The "stop brain entrainment attacks." The "stop brainwashing attacks." The "stop electronic attacks." The "stop electronic brain entrainment attacks." The "stop electronic entrainment attacks." The "stop electronic harassment." The "stop electronic mind control attacks." The "stop electronic spying." The "stop electronic subliminal mind control attacks." The "stop electronic surveillance." The "stop electronic torture." The "stop ghosts." The "stop infrasonic attacks." The "stop lightning attacks." The "stop mind control attacks." The "stop pain field generator attacks." The "stop subliminal mind control attacks." The "stop ultrasonic attacks." The "stop ultrasonic entrainment attacks." The "stop ultrasonic harassment." The "stop ultrasonic mind control attacks." The "stop ultrasonic spying." The "stop ultrasonic subliminal mind control attacks." The "stop ultrasonic surveillance." The "stop ultrasonic torture." The "stop unknown entities." The "stop unknown presences." The "strange phenomena." The "strange sights." The "strange sounds." The "strange voices."
SU-SZ: The "subliminal ads." The "subliminal advertisements." The "subliminal advertising." The "subliminal advertising." The "subliminal brain entrainment experiments." The "subliminal brainwashing devices." The "subliminal brainwashing experiments." The "subliminal control of the mind experiments." The "subliminal effects." The "subliminal images." The "subliminal learning." The "subliminal messages." The "subliminal messaging." The "subliminal mind control attacks." The "subliminal mind control conspiracies." The "subliminal mind control conspiracies." The "subliminal mind control countermeasures." The "subliminal mind control devices." The "subliminal mind control experiments." The "subliminal mind control methods." The "subliminal mind control powers." The "subliminal mind control protection." The "subliminal mind control secrets." The "subliminal mind control slaves." The "subliminal mind control stories." The "subliminal mind control strategies." The "subliminal mind control systems." The "subliminal mind control tactics." The "subliminal mind control techniques." The "subliminal mind control technologies." The "subliminal mind control torture." The "subliminal mind control tutorial." The "subliminal mind control victims." The "subliminal mind control weapons." The "subliminal mind control zombies." The "subliminal mind readers." The "subliminal mind reading methods." The "subliminal mind reading techniques." The "subliminal mind reading technologies." The "subliminal mixers." The "subliminal perceptions." The "subliminal persuasion." The "subliminal programming." The "subliminal stimuli." The "supernatural phenomena." The "supernatural phenomenon." The "surface electrodes." The "surveillance camera designs." The "surveillance camera technology." The "surveillance cameras." The "surveillance devices." The "surveillance hardware." The "surveillance metal detectors." The "surveillance technology." The "surveillance transmitters."
T: The "Taos hum causes." The "Taos hum detection." The "Taos hum detecting." The "Taos hum detectors." The "Taos hum problems." The "Taos hum sources." The "Taos hum torment." The "Taos hum torture." The "Targeted Individuals support groups." The "Targeted Individuals under attack." The "Targeted Individuals under electronic attack." The "Targeted Individuals under mind control attacks." The "targets of government electronic attacks." The "targets of government electronic mind control attacks." The "targets of government mind control attacks." The "technical coaching." The "technical coaching services." The "technical consulting." The "technical life coaching." The "technical surveillance counter measures technology."
The "telecoils and magnetic induction loop systems for hearing aids." The "telecoils and magnetic loop systems for hearing aids." The "telepathic amplifiers." The "telepathic attack." The "telepathic brain entrainment." The "telepathic body control attacks." The "telepathic communications." The "telepathic control." The "telepathic countermeasures." The "telepathic detection." The "telepathic devices." The "telepathic eavesdropping." The "telepathic equipment." The "telepathic hardware." The "telepathic harassment." The "telepathic identification." The "telepathic interference." The "telepathic location finding." The "telepathic mind control attacks." The "telepathic mind reading attacks." The "telepathic powers." The "telepathic security." The "telepathic services." The "telepathic spying." The "telepathic subliminal mind control attacks." The "telepathic surveillance." The "telepathic technology." The "telepathic theories." The "telepathic tracking." The "telepathic weapons."
The "Tempest brain monitoring." The "Tempest monitoring of the brain." The "terroristic electronic attacks." The "terroristic electronic mind control attacks." The "terroristic mind control attacks." The "test circuits." The "test devices." The "test equipment." The "test hardware." The "test instruments." The "test products." The "test services." The "testing services." The "therapeutic devices." The "therapeutic electromagnetism." The "therapeutic electronics." The "therapeutic lights." The "therapeutic magnetism." The "therapeutic pulses." The "therapeutic pulse trains." The "therapeutic signals." The "therapeutic sounds." The "therapeutic ultrasonics." The "therapeutic waveforms." The "thermal imaging." The "theta brain waves." The "theta brain wave control." The "theta brainwaves." The "theta brainwave control." The "theta brainwave monitoring." The "theta brainwave signals." The "theta frequencies." The "theta waves." The "thought center." The "thought control attacks." The "thought control electronics." The "thought control methods." The "thought control mind control methods." The "thought control technologies." The "thought control research." The "thought control science." The "thought control systems." The "thought control tactics." The "thought control techniques." The "thought control technology." The "thought reading mind control attacks." The "trance-formation devices." The "trance-formation techniques." The "transcranial electronic evoked potentials." The "transcranial electronic stimulation responses." The "transcranial ultrasonic evoked potentials." The "transcranial ultrasonic stimulation responses." The "transcranial ultrasound evoked potentials." The "transcranial ultrasound stimulation responses." The "transcranial electronic stimulators." The "transcranial ultrasonic stimulators." The "transcranial ultrasound stimulators."
The "triangulate aliens." The "triangulate electronic attacks." The "triangulate electronic harassment." The "triangulate electronic mind control attacks." The "triangulate electronic spying." The "triangulate electronic subliminal mind control attacks." The "triangulate electronic surveillance." The "triangulate ghosts." The "triangulate lightning strikes." The "triangulate mind control attacks." The "triangulate subliminal mind control attacks." The "triangulate pain field generator attacks." The "triangulate ultrasonic attacks." The "triangulate ultrasonic entrainment." The "triangulate ultrasonic harassment." The "triangulate ultrasonic mind control attacks." The "triangulate ultrasonic spying." The "triangulate ultrasonic subliminal mind control attacks." The "triangulate ultrasonic surveillance." The "triangulate unknown entities." The "triangulate unknown presences."
The "troubleshoot circuits." The "troubleshoot devices." The "troubleshoot equipment." The "troubleshoot hardware." The "troubleshoot instruments." The "troubleshoot products." The "troubleshoot services." The "troubleshooting services." The "true happiness." The "tscm experts." The "tscm methods." The "tscm systems." The "tscm technology." The "tscm testing." The "twilight zone."
U: The "UFO abductions." The "UFO contacts." The "UFO Magazine." The "UFO visits." The "ultimate weapons." The "ultrasonic blockers." The "ultrasonic countermeasures." The "ultrasonic defenses." The "ultrasonic demodulation of audio." The "ultrasonic demodulation of brainwaves." The "ultrasonic detection." The "ultrasonic detectors." The "ultrasonic electrodes." The "ultrasonic eliminators." The "ultrasonic jammers." The "ultrasonic modulation with audio." The "ultrasonic modulation with brainwaves." The "ultrasonic protectors." The "ultrasonic protection." The "ultrasonic repellents." The "ultrasonic repellers." The "ultrasonic repulsers." The "ultrasonic services." The "ultrasonic triangulation." The "ultrasonic weapons. The "ultrasound blockers." The "ultrasound countermeasures." The "ultrasound defenses." The "ultrasound demodulation of audio." The "ultrasound demodulation of brainwaves." The "ultrasound detection." The "ultrasound detectors." The "ultrasound devices." The "ultrasound electrodes." The "ultrasound eliminators." The "ultrasound equipment." The "ultrasound hardware." The "ultrasound jammers." The "ultrasound modulation with audio." The "ultrasound modulation with brainwaves." The "ultrasound products." The "ultrasound projects." The "ultrasound protectors." The "ultrasound protection." The "ultrasound repellents." The "ultrasound repellers." The "ultrasound repulsers." The "ultrasound services." The "ultrasound triangulation." The "ultrasonic weapons systems research." The "ultrasonic weapon technologies." The "ultrasound weapons systems research." The "ultrasound weapons technology."
The "ultrasonic attack blockers." The "ultrasonic attack countermeasures." The "ultrasonic attack defenses." The "ultrasonic attack detection." The "ultrasonic attack detectors." The "ultrasonic attack devices." The "ultrasonic attack equipment." The "ultrasonic attack hardware." The "ultrasonic attack eliminators." The "ultrasonic attack jammers." The "ultrasonic attack jamming issues." The "ultrasonic attack products." The "ultrasonic attack projects." The "ultrasonic attack protection." The "ultrasonic attack protectors." The "ultrasonic attack repellents." The "ultrasonic attack repellers." The "ultrasonic attack repulsers." The "ultrasonic attack shielding issues." The "ultrasonic attack systems." The "ultrasonic attack technologies." The "ultrasonic attack tutorial." The "ultrasonic attack weapons technology."
The "ultrasonic brain stimulations." The "ultrasonic capability." The "ultrasonic countermeasure detectors." The "ultrasonic countermeasure devices." The "ultrasonic countermeasure equipment." The "ultrasonic countermeasure hardware." The "ultrasonic countermeasure jammers." The "ultrasonic countermeasure jamming issues." The "ultrasonic countermeasure products." The "ultrasonic countermeasure projects." The "ultrasonic countermeasure protection." The "ultrasonic countermeasure protectors." The "ultrasonic countermeasure repellers." The "ultrasonic countermeasure repulsers." The "ultrasonic countermeasure shielding." The "ultrasonic countermeasure systems." The "ultrasonic countermeasure technologies."
The "ultrasonic defense detectors." The "ultrasonic defense devices." The "ultrasonic defense equipment." The "ultrasonic defense hardware." The "ultrasonic defense jammers." The "ultrasonic defense jamming issues." The "ultrasonic defense products." The "ultrasonic defense projects." The "ultrasonic defense protection." The "ultrasonic defense protectors." The "ultrasonic defense repellers." The "ultrasonic defense repulsers." The "ultrasonic defense shielding." The "ultrasonic defense systems." The "ultrasonic defense technologies."
The "ultrasonic features." The "ultrasonic frequencies." The "ultrasonic frequency jammers." The "ultrasonic harassment blockers." The "ultrasonic harassment countermeasures." The "ultrasonic harassment defenses." The "ultrasonic harassment detection." The "ultrasonic harassment detectors." The "ultrasonic harassment eliminators." The "ultrasonic harassment jammers." The "ultrasonic harassment jamming issues." The "ultrasonic harassment products." The "ultrasonic harassment projects." The "ultrasonic harassment protection." The "ultrasonic harassment protectors." The "ultrasonic harassment repellents." The "ultrasonic harassment repellers." The "ultrasonic harassment repulsers." The "ultrasonic harassment shielding." The "ultrasonic harassment systems." The "ultrasonic harassment technologies." The "ultrasonic harassment weapons technology."
The "ultrasonic mind control blockers." The "ultrasonic mind control countermeasures." The "ultrasonic mind control defenses." The "ultrasonic mind control detection." The "ultrasonic mind control detectors." The "ultrasonic mind control eliminators." The "ultrasonic mind control jammers." The "ultrasonic mind control jamming issues." The "ultrasonic mind control products." The "ultrasonic mind control projects." The "ultrasonic mind control protection." The "ultrasonic mind control protectors." The "ultrasonic mind control repellents." The "ultrasonic mind control repellers." The "ultrasonic mind control repulsers." The "ultrasonic mind control shielding issues." The "ultrasonic mind control systems." The "ultrasonic mind control technologies." The "ultrasonic mind control weapons technology." The "ultrasonic pain field generator attacks." The "ultrasonic torture weapons systems." The "ultrasonic stimulation of the brain." The "ultrasonic weapons of mass destruction."
The "ultrasound attack blockers." The "ultrasound attack countermeasures." The "ultrasound attack defenses." The "ultrasound attack detection." The "ultrasound attack detectors." The "ultrasound attack devices." The "ultrasound attack equipment." The "ultrasound attack hardware." The "ultrasound attack eliminators." The "ultrasound attack jammers." The "ultrasound attack jamming issues." The "ultrasound attack products." The "ultrasound attack projects." The "ultrasound attack protection." The "ultrasound attack protectors." The "ultrasound attack repellents." The "ultrasound attack repellers." The "ultrasound attack repulsers." The "ultrasound attack shielding issues." The "ultrasound attack systems." The "ultrasound attack technologies." The "ultrasound attack weapons technology."
The "ultrasound brain stimulations." The "ultrasound countermeasure detectors." The "ultrasound countermeasure devices." The "ultrasound countermeasure equipment." The "ultrasound countermeasure hardware." The "ultrasound countermeasure jammers." The "ultrasound countermeasure jamming issues." The "ultrasound countermeasure products." The "ultrasound countermeasure projects." The "ultrasound countermeasure protection." The "ultrasound countermeasure protectors." The "ultrasound countermeasure repellers." The "ultrasound countermeasure repulsers." The "ultrasound countermeasure shielding." The "ultrasound countermeasure systems." The "ultrasound countermeasure technologies."
The "ultrasound defense detectors." The "ultrasound defense devices." The "ultrasound defense equipment." The "ultrasound defense hardware." The "ultrasound defense jammers." The "ultrasound defense jamming issues." The "ultrasound defense products." The "ultrasound defense projects." The "ultrasound defense protection." The "ultrasound defense protectors." The "ultrasound defense repellers." The "ultrasound defense repulsers." The "ultrasound defense shielding." The "ultrasound defense systems." The "ultrasound defense technologies."
The "ultrasound harassment blockers." The "ultrasound harassment countermeasures." The "ultrasound harassment defenses." The "ultrasound harassment detection." The "ultrasound harassment detectors." The "ultrasound harassment eliminators." The "ultrasound harassment jammers." The "ultrasound harassment jamming issues." The "ultrasound harassment products." The "ultrasound harassment projects." The "ultrasound harassment protection." The "ultrasound harassment protectors." The "ultrasound harassment repellents." The "ultrasound harassment repellers." The "ultrasound harassment repulsers." The "ultrasound harassment shielding." The "ultrasound harassment systems." The "ultrasound harassment technologies." The "ultrasound harassment weapons."
The "ultrasound mind control blockers." The "ultrasound mind control countermeasures." The "ultrasound mind control defenses." The "ultrasound mind control detection." The "ultrasound mind control detectors." The "ultrasound mind control eliminators." The "ultrasound mind control jammers." The "ultrasound mind control jamming issues." The "ultrasound mind control products." The "ultrasound mind control projects." The "ultrasound mind control protection." The "ultrasound mind control protectors." The "ultrasound mind control repellents." The "ultrasound mind control repellers." The "ultrasound mind control repulsers." The "ultrasound mind control shielding issues." The "ultrasound mind control systems." The "ultrasound mind control technologies." The "ultrasound mind control weapons." The "ultrasound pain field generator attacks." The "ultrasound stimulation of the brain." The "ultrasound torture weapons."
The "ultrasonic attacks." The "ultrasonic capabilities." The "ultrasonic circuits." The "ultrasonic circuit designs." The "ultrasonic communicators." The "ultrasonic communications." The "ultrasonic countermeasures." The "ultrasonic designs." The "ultrasonic detectors." The "ultrasonic entrainment." The "ultrasonic harassing devices." The "ultrasonic harassment." The "ultrasonic intrusion detection systems." The "ultrasonic intrusion detectors." The "ultrasonic devices." The "ultrasonic equipment." The "ultrasonic hardware." The "ultrasonic jammers." The "ultrasonic jamming issues." The "ultrasonic mind control attacks." The "ultrasonic modulated carrier." The "ultrasonic modulations." The "ultrasonic pest control." The "ultrasonic products." The "ultrasonic projects." The "ultrasonic remote attacks." The "ultrasonic remote control attacks." The "ultrasonic services." The "ultrasonic shielding issues." The "ultrasonic spying." The "ultrasonic stimulations." The "ultrasonic stimulators." The "ultrasonic subliminal mind control attacks." The "ultrasonic surveillance." The "ultrasonic techniques." The "ultrasonic technology." The "ultrasonic therapy." The "ultrasonic torment." The "ultrasonic torture." The "ultrasonic victims." The "ultrasonic vision." The "ultrasonic weapon technologies." The "ultrasonic weapons systems technologies." The "ultrasonic weapons technologies." The "ultrasonic weapons systems research." The "ultrasonic weaponry." The "ultrasonic whistles." The "ultrasonic zappers."
The "ultraviolet therapy." The "under attack." The "unknown entity detection." The "unknown entity detecting." The "unknown entity detectors." The "unknown presence detection." The "unknown presence detecting." The "unknown presence detectors." The "upgrading circuits." The "upgrading devices." The "upgrading equipment." The "upgrading hardware." The "upgrading products." The "upgrading services." The "urgently needed." The "USSR controlled offensive behavior."
V-Z: The "V2K attacks." The "V2K electronic attacks." The "V2K harassment." The "V2K mind control attacks." The "V2K technology." The "vehicle tracking transmitters." The "victim of electronic attack." The "victim of mind control attacks." The "victim of subliminal mind control attacks." The "victims of mind control attacks." The "victims of mind control support groups." The "victims of subliminal mind control attacks." The "virtual reality devices." The "virtual reality using artificial intelligence." The "visual cortex." The "visual hallucinations caused by electronic attacks." The "visual hallucinations caused by mind control attacks." The "voice-of-Allah mind control technology." The "voice-of-Allah weapons." The "voice-of-Allah weapon systems technology." The "voice-of-God mind control technology." The "voice-of-God weapons." The "voice-of-God weapon systems technology." The "voice to skull attacks." The "voice to skull electronic attacks." The "voice to skull harassment." The "voice to skull mind control attacks." The "voice to skull technology." The "voices from the walls." The "voices in the head." The "voices in your head." The "voices ordering you what to do." The "voices telling you what to do." The "weird phenomena." The "weird sights." The "weird sounds." The "weird voices." The "wideband ultrasonic mikes." The "wideband ultrasonic speakers." The "wideband ultrasonic transducers." The "world is in a heightened state of paranoia." The "zero-evidence attacks." The "zero-evidence weapons." The "zero-evidence weaponry."
This webpage is filled with mind control information and electronic attack information relevant to mind control strategies, electronic attack strategies, mind control tactics, electronic attack tactics, mind control techniques, electronic attack techniques, mind control weapons, electronic attack weapons, mind control countermeasures, electronic attack countermeasures, and mind control detectors and electronic attack detectors.
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